Slouching towards Bethlehem

Make no mistake, if Jesus were here today right now these Same Zionist Talmuds would have tried their best to kill him with any means as they persecuted him 2000 years ago, they didnt like what Jesus was saying back then and they wont like what he has to say to these exact same people today, Foxnews Newsmax CNN and the rest of the usual suspects all these Neocon-liberals they would all gang up on him because they never took the words of Jesus seriously then and they wouldnt do it today either, these people are fake Christians, the Talmud the Zohar is not comparable with the teachings of Jesus, these Zionists are neither Jews nor Christians, they are of the Synagog of Satan, this is the truth of the matter, this is what the good Christians are understanding now today, therefore I invite all the Believers to unite against this Zionist luciferian concept which is about to destroy the planet, if it is not too late to reverse course that is, I am not sure of that, I am more of the belief that it is too late to turn the ship around, I hope I am wrong on that but it doesnt look so, God knows best, what all Believers I think by now have come in terms with it, Zionism is the gravest danger mankind have ever faced up to now, no other group of people ever in human history have threatened all of mankind as Zionism have done for some time now, no other group of people no other ideology but the Zionist Luciferian movement, so we need to unite, all of us if you want to stand any chance to survive, it will be up to you.
