The Luciferian Doctrine Explained - ROBERT SEPEHR

3:30 This man call himself an American Christian and I have met Iranian Shias who share this man beliefs word for word, they are the exactly the same except one is Iranian the other American, they believe Eblis, (Satan) is an angel, if you know anything about Judaism they also share the belief that Satan is actually a good guy because if God didnt create him, you and I and all other creations in Gods vast existence would be able to exercise this thing called free will, as if Eblis didnt exist none of the natural laws anywhere in all realms wouldnt be able to function physically, thats what the Talmud the Zohar the Kabala these demonic texts is putting in the mindless brians of these Luciferian cults which have infiltrated all aspects of our lives, all organized religions, if you believe YOUR organized religion have not been affected by this well you need to get a reality check my friend, the first concept you need to understand before you move forward is Eblis doesnt discriminate but most of you are not capable to even understand this little and will still hang on to whatever it is that you just cannot let go of, but if you are a seeker with life there is still hope for you, a seeker discovers something study it for some time then move on to discover more when they come in terms with, there is more out there and you werent told everything you needed to know so you will move on and when you come to a certain degree of understanding then you realize in what deep shit we are in and in that time you have armed yourself with enough knowledge to save your end when shit really hit the fan, because it will, he way mankind is digressing it will go really nasty.

I am going to tell you what they teach at the highest level of these Luciferian mystery schools, its not that complicated, at the end of it they will even show you as an initiated that we were created a few thousands of years ago, there were those before us, humanoids who built the pyramids, that era they call Atlantis dont ask me why, they got wiped out by other higher beings than themselves, it was a coalition of different higher beings wiped these Atlanteans out because they became too arrogant and thought higher of themselves than they actually are, very much like our own leaders, leaders with destructive evil nature corrupt as hell, so those higher beings by the order of the Creator wiped them out, created engineered our race replaced the old ones with, and the show is about to end as it happened with those before us, but the Luciferians which are in control of all nations have been promised by their dark lord Satan this good guy of the Talmuds and other Luciferian mystery schools that he will show them corrupt leaders how to save themselves, now how that will go about is another story in itself which I am not spending too much time on right now, what they also each at these Luciferian mystery schools is what I told you (and) how to communicate with the interdimentials, the Jinns also known as demons, but demon is not the right way of describing them, the demonic Jinns are the crooked ones of them which these Luciferians are in communication with which order them around, the aliens there is no communication with them I doubt that, they are not easy to communicate with, first of all they are not as physically close to us as the aliens in their spaceships hovering above us, the Jinns are much closer, it doesnt take expensive complicated equipment to communicate with these little devils with the aliens its a different arrangement which you and I have no access to, and if someone does, it cant be many, my own understanding is that the aliens are disciplined, they are like selected trusted well trained astronauts of ours, they follow orders strictly, the Jinns on the other hand, because they have lived next to us from day one they have another view of us and again because we are so close, our relationship between human beings are different than human beings and the aliens who also have been here before we were, we are an experiment folks, a short lived as such, this is the secret these mystery schools dont tell you, because in their wickedness they want or think they can live forever, or at least more time granted to them so they can continue being them, but in reality all of them know we all are a short lived experiment, something they cant accept, because they have a hard time letting go of everything they have stolen, let me end with this, yes we were an experiment but only God the Creator can create living beings, to give life to dead things, no one else can do this, He is the one who crant every soul to come to life, every soul in the vast Universe have had His personal approval to come to life, and this Creator is NOT in the image of anything, certainly not glorified monkeys like us, you are gravely offending your Maker by associating Him with one of His own creations, you have no idea of offencive that kind of statement is, its the worst thing you can say to Him, if you now have the intellect to understand this good for you and if not I am sorry for you, its like lets say you created a monkey, fully designed it your own work nobody else work, you have patented this monkey, and you then give it a soul, you give it life, then you create more of these monkeys, after a while one of these patented monkeys of yours elevate himself to your level, or bring you down to his monkey ass level, wouldnt you be offended, yes you would have, if I created such monkeys who would elevate themselves to my level, I would have wiped them out all of them except those monkeys who had the intellect to figure the truth out for themselves that yes, somebody created them, somebody brought them to life, someone who sustained them, placed them all on a beautiful paradise like planet someone deserve to be worshiped, then I as a creator would have said, these very few are worthy of even a greater this one the real Paradise, there I will keep them sustain them give them everything they desire for all eternity, and these other dumb ass monkeys these wild ones, they will be kept somewhere else where all the wild and horrific creatures are kept, and this place of terror, it has a master and it is not Eblis, Eblis will be of those who will face the harshest punishments there to make an example of, Eblis will be so busy getting beaten up torn apart he wont have time to sit down to catch his breath let alone rule in Hell, lol, this is what will happen to the dark lord of the Luciferian wild monkeys, this is what is going to happen to Irans Supreme Assmonkey.
Did I tell you guys he said not long ago that God speaks right through out of his mouth, yes Irans Supreme Monkey actually said that, that God speaks through him, I just pray to God to keep that monkey around to see his whole world fall apart around him before He takes his life, I have such hatred for that monkey you have no idea, I hate him as much as Shaytanyaboo, there are no God fearing leaders friends, dont make the mistake to think otherwise, you and I can be of those glorified monkeys who God to save from these other wild corrupt evil ones, we can be of these other creatures. 
