Who is the Messiah? -Rabbi Tovia Singer

This is how out of touch with reality these Talmuds are, listen to him, they believe their Mashiach will come after everything these crazy racist Talmuds have said and done to make the world "realize" these Talmuds have always been right and the rest of us wrong, so what are these things the Talmuds like Tovia is teaching that made the rest of the world say these Talmuds are Satans chosen ones, here is one example, the Talmuds are taught by Satan that their soul is from God and the rest of us are from three demonic realms therefore a Talmudic soul is superior to the rest of us, then the Talmud goes to say we are animals and that we are here we were created to serve them when their Mashiach comes, and these Talmuds want YOU to believe when their Mashiach comes YOU will finally acknowledge yes your soul is demonic you must serve these Talmuds and they now are indeed your masters, this is what they believe, this is what they want you to understand sooner and if you dont then you are a dummy (because) after all your soul is inferior to their Talmuds, but dont you worry when their Mashiach comes you will then bow down to them and serve them as your masters.
They are truly Satans chosen ones, you can as some of you are doing already serve them shill for them this you do because you have no self dignity, you are indeed a lesser being, if you support these devil followers, for the rest of us, we will never ever bow to them, we will never not only not serve them but resist them to the last breath we have left, rest assured of that, I am not bowing to any devils.
