Zionist Says Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians Is Actually A GOOD Thing

Listen to this brainwashed girl, a white blue eyed blond say her family was kicked out of the Middle East and now she is back to reclaim the land of her ancestors, look if African land was up for the taking for free heck even I would force myself there claiming my own ancestors were originally from Africa, this is how insane these satanic Zionist Khazars are, if you listen to Foxnews to newsmax to CNN and these Zionist controlled propaganda outlets watching them after some time they make you believe anything, anything which suits their satanic agenda.
People of the world need to wake up, folks this is beyond insane, these people have turned the whole world upside down, all these politicians are bought and paid for by the same Zionist international criminal luciferian cult, look its not just about the Palestinians, this is a global problem with these people, they are like cancer, wherever they go, they are like a virus, they destroy everything in their path, now they have the whole planet in their target, humanity is at risk of getting wiped out, the thing is, they are under the impression after all of you are gone they will emerge from their rat holes and start rebuilding everything after their luciferian likeness, I am not kidding here folks, this is serious, they are out of their damn minds these Zionist human devils, if we all do not unite its over with it, dont let them go through with their sinister plans, or suffer the consequences. 
