Bill Maher SMUGLY LECTURES Chappell Roan About Gaza | The Kyle Kulinski ...

Today in this day of age with the instant posting of ones opinions online people unlike times past can see for themselves what Scriptures meant when it condemned the Jews and why God brought these people to the edge of extermination by wiping them nearly of, fifty years ago people were not familiar with the character of the Jews and why throughout history they have been the most hated people of all time, today you all can not only read it but see it and hear it from their own mouths why old texts were right describing the Jews as the most corrupted twisted most evil people ever existed, also no other group of people have murdered their own prophets as much as these Jews too, so you cant just blame the Germans people like Hitler just recently among everyone else why they felt like doing what they did to these people, because they are indeed the most wicked people ever walked this earth, all this comes from their Talmud their Kabala their Zohar and their fake Torah, all these scriptures all Satan inspired is teaching them these human devils are superior to everyone else, as I explained yesterday it goes so deep to say even their souls are superior to everyone else, and YOU were created to serve them as slaves, and gosh I can believe their most loyal slaves knowing this people like Biden like Kamala like you elected officials why they accept this enslavement they have subjugated themselves to, its beyond belief, what people will do just for a little bit of power and influence, influence to corrupt the world around them, listen to me I know why they are willingly these goims why they are acting the way they are, sure they know these Jewish texts state their souls are inferior and still accept it, the reason is these elected officials who all are freemasons and freemasonry is based on these Jewish texts, these goims are made to believe Hell is a place where there still can be found comfort if they serve the dark lord here in this world by corrupting and commit genocide and everything else they are doing, this is the explanation why your elected officials despite they say they are Christians Muslims and the rest of it where in these Christian and Islamic texts the guidelines is exactly the opposite of what the Talmuds are brainwashing your dear leaders with they act opposite of, this is why folks, they say they are Christians they say they are Muslims but they are not, they are freemasons and their holy texts are these satan inspired books of the Jews, and if you knew anything about freemasonry you know its a criminal organization where they say one thing but do the opposite of it, its their creed, they teach you to become a hypocrite, this is freemasonry for you, or let me ask you, have you ever met a freemason who hasnt been corruptible because I havent, i never ever met a freemason who wouldnt break the law, this is what the Talmud is teaching them this is why goims get drawn to these kind of things because they feel rule of law is for you naive sheeps not for these wolves, these wolves who as you can see have created this lawless before you, again all goes back to the Talmud the Zohar Kabbala and the Jews.
