Ibrahim Moussawi: Is Hezbollah losing the battle? | Talk to Al Jazeera

There are many things that does not make sense since what we had been told for years how powerful the Hezbs are with their hundreds of thousands of missiles which will rain over the Zionist entity if the Zionists dared make a move, Nasrala told people, well we have not seen any missiles but a dozens fired at the Zionist entity which basically all were intercepted except one or two of the "hundreds of thousands" of Hezb missiles, the reason it does not make any sense is because if the Hezba had the numbers of missiles they would surely have had fired them when they are about to fully decimated as we speak and can see yet the Hezbs have not done anything, so I am thinking knowing the fact that the Hezb is a criminal organizations hiding behind religion I and thinking it looks like the Hezbs fooled all its cult followers by instead of investing in missiles the money went elsewhere, where we can speculate, where do criminal drug dealers store their wealth, well there are a couple of offshore places I can think of, another thing you all need to come in terms with is there is no honor within criminal cults, there is something called fear but not honor no loyalty connected to anything honorable, I personally dont think there are any true believers in any religions but a very few whom you wont hear or see, these people keep to themselves and rightly so, all these major religious cults at top they have these same secret societies running the show below, take the Moonies, a Luciferian Freemasonic cult, have nothing to do with anything holy but everything unholy and you have all these politicians running to these cults to get a free ride in their political carries, you have seen Trump writing them love letters you have seen Mike Pompeo being written love letters from them, you have seen cults like MEK to you name it hand in hand with your trusted politicians, you have seen your dear religious leaders like the Pope with the shia Ali Sistani the most hated religious cult leader in Iraq visiting each other making nice statements about how faithful they are now rightly guided they are how they all oppose global warming how they stand all together around these topics, now put yourself in Gods place, you and I we only see what is on the surface of this corruption these leaders represent, now think of how much more God is aware of and sees, of course He would bring this to an end for all of these and I think the hour is getting close, therefore and this is my personal opinion, I think we are entering the harshest times in our history, places like the Middle East al these countries and their people will come to suffer pains like they never could have imagined, I believe the Zionists will decimate the "Palestinians" the Lebanese, all these people the whole place will come to regret they ever stood by these corrupt leaders, the suffering is not only in the Middle East, it will be a global one I think this is what you have to prepare for, preparedness in forms of true spiritual straight not a hypocritical one, for now I see the Zionists will get all they want without anyone be able to resist them and there is nothing any of you can do about it, look we all have our own mistakes to suffer from, we have to be honest about that, this is the first step to change for better there are not shortcuts to it its a path that has to be walked through from one end to the other, I am just telling you how it works.
