Larry Johnson : Can Ukraine Survive Until Election Day?

Larry mentioned that the Israelis believe they are genetically superior to the rest of mankind, what Larry forgot I am sure he is aware of the fact that the Israelis and generally the Talmuds I should say are under the satanic impression that even their souls are superior to the rest of mankind, that a Jewish soul is from a heavenly realm and the non Jews are from a satanic realm, this goes even deeper than just believing they are genetically superior to others, this goes to the fundamental of ones essence, it doest go deeper than that, this means little old slaves like Joe Biden likes of Mike Bombeo likes of Miss Princess Lindsey Grayhamm Mark Rubeo and the rest of them they have committed themselves as loyal slaves to the Talmuds when they all go to Hell there these slaves will serve under their Talmuds like they are doing here right now but they all got one thing wrong here, there in Hell there will be no serving anyone, there is no time for serving anyone for there they will find no time other than mindless suffering, in Hell you wont recognize your parents your children your siblings, no one will recognize no one all you will do is to suffer in pains both physically and mentally, this is what awaits these Talmuds and their loyal slaves here, then they will find out whose soul was superior to whoes.
