Looks like the Israelis have put Sistani on the target list, then the US backtracked the news and state on some official channels that Sistani is a respected scholar internationally and a peaceful molla, being a molla and peaceful is a oxymoron now the question is why the Americans said all these nice things about a molla, a corrupt molla, a very highly corrupt molla, let me tell you why, all Shias know this man sits on billion of dollars which no one knows where the hell the money is being kept, many suspect outside Iraq more likely in western banks, if you ask me I dont doubt that a second, I mean you have to be an absolute moron if you believe billions of dollars are kept in Iraq, no way, its kept outside Iraq rest assured of that, what I am going to tell you now is absolutely true, I swear by Allah the Creator what I am about to tell you is true, in fact I shouldnt have to swear at all because I do not lie, I dont like lying, anyways, listen to this, I was at Sistanis office in Qom in Iran, Sistani have his right hand whos name is Shahrestani, the guy reminds me of that white pale boss orc in the battle field the one with one eye, Shahrestani reminded me of that orc, anyways, I was in his office waiting to meet with him, there I overheard something, someone there one of his people was telling another that the "charity" money of that year had been collected and was ready to be (bussed) over to Iran from Iran, he used the word buss, you can only imagine how much money these Shia Iraqi mollas had stolen from Iran to be (bussed) over to Iraq from Iran, at the office Shahrestanis people all perfect Persian speaking Iraqis they spoke better than me much better, well they were polite and treated me with not only respect but they were also nice to me, but Shahrestani when that old pale fat ugly Shia orc saw me let me tell you, it was like he had seen the devil or something, I immediately saw how hate the man had for me but he was acting cool somehow polite but I could see how he was trying to hold his hatred back, after a few moments I knew this is not the right place for me to be talking to this ugly Shia orc, nothing good will ever come out of this man, I asked him a few question and when I saw the man knew more than he wanted to talk about I knew this is a waste of time so I thanked him and walked very angry so much so everyone was on my face, the meeting was not a success, anyway fuck him, what I want to say is this, why the Americans say Sistani is a very respected scholar not only in Iraq and in the world makes me question a couple of things, as I said we know the man sits on billions of dollars, where that money is at, its NOT in Iraq, it is not spent on the Iraqis, not a dime of it, its not even spent a penny to keep the outside of Sistanis office in Karbala clean because if you have been there the whole place I kid you not, the whole place even right outside his office building looks like a dumpster, again you have to see it to believe it, you will be shocked if you did, its a slum its worse than a slum, a Shia Shit Show thats what it is, so the money is not spent even to keep outside his office clean from rats and garbage, as I told you, the money is outside Iraq, now to the next question if Sistani is a respected man among the Iraqis, you guys just need to take my word for it if you are not an Iraqi, let me inform you of a simple fact here, Sistani is NOT respected in fact hated by the majority of the Shia Iraqis, only a few of his cult followers stand by him and they do it for they get paid, the Shia Iraqis respect Al Sadr hundred times more than Sistani, the Shia Iraqis they swear my Al Sadrs name but curse by Sistanis name, I kid you not, nobody in Iraq likes him or even respects Sistani, because he is seen as a highly corrupt phony scholar, now when it comes to the Iranians, I bet you whatever you want you wont find not one who will have anything positive to say about Sistani other than a few of his agents active in Iran in Qom, other than his agents you wont find one, I am telling you all the truth here, dont believe what US officials or what the Pope says about this corrupt individual, I have much more to say about Sistani but for another time, so if the Israelis have him on the target list, by all means, for each day at least on this issues I like Nethanyahu more and more, on two topics I do agree fully with Netanyahu, the first one is, I also dont believe in a two state solution, second he can take out as many of these Shia mollas he just can for all I care because I dont, here is something you guys need to trust my judgement on when I say this, I havent met one singular Shia agent whom I liked, they all even though I was very good to them they took me as their enemies from the day I was born till today, this is serious stuff guys with what I am telling you all, I have met countless of these Shia agents from decades ago, and all these Shias without exception tried to harm me with everything God allowed them to do and they did, ohh yes they did, they did it behind my back although I at that time saw them as allies as one of my own, look what I am trying to tell you about their characters is like a good loyal brother who get stabbed in the back by his own brother for no other reason that the backstabbing brother was nothing else but a Luciferian, this is the character of these Shia Luciferian agents in the shadow, so yes I am glad Israel is killing them one by one, I hope they all get wiped out, its time for the reckoning I prayed for, and let me tell you something, do not shed a tear for any of them, what the Zionists are doing to them is sanctioned by God, He is allowing their enemies to humiliate them like they thought they were humiliating others, right at them, let them taste it, and for you Iranians ! collect your balls your courage, the time to send all these Shia mollas back to Hell is coming to conclusion, soon the mollas will make a misstep then you have your reason to get them all.   

