Noble Prize Winners in Physics worries AI 'may lead to bad things' • FRA...

From my teenage years when I started to think about things one of my first conclusions were, mankind will be the end of itself as soon as it start playing god, this arrogance will become the doom of us all, of you not me, I am not playing god, your ruling class are and with you blindly following them and supporting them you bear their guilt as well, there are many ways people are acting as if they are gods, AI is one of the ways.
I have a challenge for the ones the well educated of you, you scientists and intellectuals who say if there is a God then He is cruel therefor you lean towards there cannot be one or if there is one you dont want to worship such a "cruel" god, I hear this argument from many intellectuals, my challenge is, why dont you explain in detail how physical laws and generally the laws of the Universe should have worked if this one is not up to your liking, please in great detail explain to us dummies how it should have looked liked according to you, I understand you have issues with such things as pain with suffering with injustice with free will explain to us and make your new findings available make them public or forever hold your peace and stop whining like little spoiled children.

Now let me explain to you man childs how things are, you are living in a prison planet, like in any other prison you have no say in anything, you have to obey or else you end up in the hole, a dark hole where the sun never shines, if you are polite and well behaved you will have some privileges and if you dont your master will let you know who runs the show, now just because the Master is keeping out of sight for now in this prison planet and been given you more rights than you deserve this have made you arrogant pride corrupt and the assholes you have become, but you are about to get a wake up call to let you know you are were dreamwalking all along, that you own nothing you are nothing and you mean less in the greater scheme of things, and all this will be told to you in time, afterwards you will dwell in the place where the sun never shines where you will afraid of the shadows who will haunt you for the sake of it just like the games you played with the innocents here where you were under the impression you actually meant something, order will be restored !!!
