Shiite Ritual Draws Blood, Evokes History-and ISIS Fight

This is according to them Shias the superior way, the superior faith, the superior politics, I say it is the superior way to hell because this is satanic, everything they do is inferior backward and primitive, listen to me out there, if you say you are a believer someone who have at least some clue what is godly guided you know God the Creator will never guide an ideology like the one of the Shias, here is something you need to ask yourself when you see and hear religious cult leaders speak, you will hear many sensible things beings said by them in their speeches, many things you would agree with but keep in mind, what is publicly said in those speeches are designed to sound good, what you should ask them cult leaders and yourself is, what more do they believe in which they are not publicly or at least in the speeches designed for the uninitiated ones because rest assured they never speak about their core beliefs for the uninitiated that one they keep when they have you hooked, I listened to the speech of the Shia Hezbola deputy the other day, the speech sounded sensible sounded innocent sounded good designed to make him and his cult look the ones who are persecuted but like in any other cult and Shiaism is a cult, trust me on this, I know this first hand, in its core its run by actual Luciferians, actual devil worshipers, I am not kidding folks, the Shia mollas use female prostitutes agents they have even a name for it, (parasto) translates as doves, not kidding they call their female whore agents for doves, can you believe that, doves, really ?? anyways, they also see Eblis the Devil Satan as a fallen angel, I am NOT kidding, thats how they view the guy, as a fallen actual angel, an innocent angel, I wear to god this is what I have heard them say, they hold Satan at the highest regards so much so if you even criticize Satan before them they become aggressive, and let me ask you for you who know better, where have we heard this concept of Satan being an innocent angel, in the Talmud of course, sure the Christians believe Satan is a fallen angel, that aside, the Christians dont view Satan as an innocent angel, on the contrary, it is only in the Talmud and in Luciferian ideologies where you find this concept that Satan is innocent nowhere else, this is the core of the Shia molla belief, I shouldnt have to say anything else but there are much more to say about who these Shias are, I am not talking about these idiot Shias who are beating themselves senseless in the video, these idiots dont know nothing thats why they are idiots, simple cult followers brainwashed to do the dirty work of their higherups, but it doesnt make them innocent either, because God has given you clear guidance and a sense of logic what is right and wrong and as you can see how these morons are still acting, I say it again, the point here is, the only way forward is if God favors you, and in order for that to happen you need to get your act right, and I think some of us can agree, this is not acting right with what these idiots are doing, therefore they cannot be favored by God to ever achieve anything positive, and also, do you see anything positive with these people because I know them well, they live in shit, have you been in Iraq in Karbala in Najaf anywhere the Shias live is a dumpster while you go to Sunni neighborhoods, its clean more civilized, like take a look at where the Shias live in Syria and compare it to the Sunnis neighborhoods, the Shias live eat and shit right where they are, they are not familiar with the concept of cleanliness, and I am going to be more frank with you, have you ever walked pass their women in chadors the black piece of cloth they hang over themselves, they actually smell like shit, their women are so dirty so smelly so disgusting as if they have never ever taken a shower or washed what they are wearing so sweety, Sunnis are I admidd not like that at all, I say if you cant even get the simple stuff right like self respect self dignity to have it not only clean around you but being clean yourself, if your culture is this backward, I say and I stand by it, if you dont have the right culture the right mindset you can NEVER get the faith aspect right either, you start with the culture, when you got that one right next lever for you is when you can start get the religious part right too not before, it doesnt work the other way around, this is my opinion, again all that aside, the cultural part and all that, I am also pointing to what I personally know about the core of their belief, it is absolutely satanic, satan inspired, if the Ahlul Bait were here they would have cast all of them in hellfire themselves I bet my bead on this, no doubt, do NOT support anything Shia, their fall is I am happy to announce its near, 1400 years of deception of misleading people is coming to an end soon, with Gods help, Shiaism is Satan inspired, stay away from them !!! or you have aided the Luciferians. 
