The Russians are coming. Hopefully

Mr Galloway has lost his mind, ask the Russian people if the conditions were right with no one threatening Russia if they still would have wanted Putin the Pimp of Moscow to be their leader and the hyper corrupt system he represents and I bet you not many Russians would want that, the reason the Russians in large numbers are for Putin is because they have no other alternative they think, also there are other reasons, look lets be fully honest, there is a reason why communism got a foothold among the Russians, lets just say not for good reasons, not for the smartest reasons, these are the same Russians who murdered tens of millions of their own for the communist ungodly cause, Russians bear alot of guilt for what they did to their own people, even today if you go to Russia you see the picture of Stalin and Lenin all over the place raised as heros by these Christian Russians, I mean how does that go together these two things, I dont know you have to see it to believe it, Russia is one of the most corrupted places on the planet, if it wasnt for the vast natural resources for their leaders to swindle and leave the scraps for the masses to have something to eat things would have looked much different there right now, I have to be honest about something, I saw little what resembled honor while I visited there for a short time, that was my impression of Russia, have you ever traveled by train in Russia, trust me you dont want to, the trains are from the cold war era all of it.
Believers who have not lost their minds like Galloway whom I have lost respect for after hearing him stating his minds so clearly here I suggest you Believers rethink those whom you see as your allies, look friends for the past 10 years when things started to get a bit clear for me of what is what I have had many who wanted to befriend me, many people from all walks of life, people of influence I mean not ordinary people, I thought to myself, just because someone want to befriend me want to help me out doesnt mean I want to befriend them or have anything to do with them, this is the problem right now, as soon as many of you see someone who take up the mantle of Anti Zionism and pro Palestine you without asking what more these people stand for you take them in as you allies, I think this is a mistake a big mistake, i suggest you look into their past and present to see what more they stand for what they want who else they support, are these people they support also corrupt as sin or not, if so you know if you have a functioning brain left and a God fearing person you know that cant be the answer either because remember rule Nr1 ? God never favors never supports but He curses the corrupt ones, therefore it is a waste of time chasing the tails of these people because these people are lost souls themselves, a person like Galloway, you know you cant teach an old bulldog new tricks, this man is programmed in a certain way and at his age to turn back on everything he privious have stood for you know thats not going to happen, sure he is an AntiZionists but at the same time he is proudly supporting every other corrupt unpopular leader out there, I now want to draw you Iranians attention to something here, you Iranians and the American people you have both one thing incommon, both of you have been infiltrated and have paid a high cost for this ignorance of both of you, you have paid with your blood and wealth to sustain this Evil, so when you Iranians when I hear some American commentators cheering for you to take up arms to pay more than you already have paid for I dont take offence of that as much as someone like Galloways or someone else for that matter to cheer on the regime which like the Americans and their infiltrators the traitor to pay more with your blood to come for the aid of the Arabs in Iraq in Lebanon in "Palestine" and other Arabs failed states which other Arabs around the world is not lifting a finger for, this I take offence of, what people reading this need to fully understand is this, Iran and Iranians dont owe ANYTHING to ANYONE, no nothing, I hope I am clear on this, nobody care for the aid of the Iranians, in fact even these Shia Arabs 95% of them hate anything Iranian, Iranians dont owe anything to anyone and if any Iranians want to support the Palestinians or anyone else they can do it on their own individually, that is perfectly fine but for someone like Galloway to sit there barking why Iran is not attacking the Zionist entity, why dont he go and fuck himself I say, why dont he push as hard for his Putin to do the job he want the Iranians to do, what Galloway sinstead is doing is to make up excuses why Russia this and that, hell with both of them, I say this to make it clear again, I am not a race worshiper, I am NOT loyal to any country all I care of is Good vs Evil, the Godly against the ungodly, when I leave this world I am not going to leave it as an Iranian or another ethnicity, I am certain I wont even look like this with this face, I am also certain I wont speak any of these languages so who are those still left on Earth is what you should ask yourself here and now, I only care for what is the truth and if my truth hurt your feeling then fine, your whole being has hurt humanity, you have nothing on me or anyone else, you are in deep dark hole yourself and you think you have figured it all out while sleepwalking, such like Galloway, this man have zero credibility in my eyes now.
