This letter is directed to Irans Supreme Leader and his guard dogs the IRGC.
How do I say this politely, you are one dumb arrogant piece of work, you and your IRGC cult followers, if you recall back in 2015 the same thing that is happening to you was about to happen for you know, this what is happening has been the plans for a long time now, you know that, I know that many does too, because of my intervention back in 2015 I managed to stop it from happening, I am not going into all that happened you know yourself what happened but it was very close so you got very lucky there when the Supreme Gringo of the US and those behind him was about to come after you, you were even weaker back then so whatever they wanted to do to you they could have done it lot easier so I had to pay a price for hindering the war to break out but when I came to Iran you and your IRGC thugs went around and said to people that I was a spy and they should watch out for me and you offended me you and your IRGC criminals, you and your Shia cult followers have offended me many time too many times but no more, this time around I wont do anything to stop anything and as you can see the Zionists are not only taking one of your commanders one after the other they are not only humiliating you, you are about to get decimated very soon and trust my words when I say, I feel nothing for you and your cult followers, you got your chance in fact many times and you blew it.
Let me explain to the readers what kind of dirty huan devils you are and your Shia cult followers especially your IRGC are.
A few of you readers know I have had problem with breathing through my nose for a very long time, thats what happen when you break your nose in my case I think a minimum of five times and only once have I had gone to a hospital to fix it it was the first time when I was a kid every other time I put my broken nose back together myself, so naturally it never healed as it should and I have had problems breathing from it for something over 25 years, this time when I went back to Iran I wanted to fix it so I can breath again, Sweden didnt want to fix it, sons of bitches, they would pay for sex changes for kids but fix a broken nose, anyways, so I thought in Iran they can do it for a few thousand bucks, but I have been most worried about seeking medical help from hospitals because I know the Luciferians are always aware of where I go and what I do and they would like they have done so many times in the past call the hospitals and trust me they always have Luciferian cult followers in management and staff, just trust me on this guys this is absolutely true, this is the case in Sweden in Iran in the US everywhere, so i have always tried not to go to any hospital for anything even if I break bones I first try to fix it myself before I go to any hospital because I know what awaits me there, these assholes either put something in me or take somethign from me and I knew they would be there in Iran when I go to a clinic to fix my nose this time too, so I thought when I go to this clinic I will ask the doctor to put a local anesthetics not to put me out fully and the asshoole said sure she would do that but as soon as I got on the bed they put me out, but before that a couple hours before in the hospital room there was another man on his bed next to me, I knew he was one of them IRGC agents, I was counting on they put an agent next to me close to me, and for a few hours we spoke which was the whole idea why they placed him next to me, but you know me, brother likes to speak his mind so I did, I said everything that I am used to say, and I spoke the truth I never lied about anything, I said Irans Supreme Whore is corrupt and all that and I could see this agent didnt like what I had to say but because i spoke the truth and he knew I spoke the truth he nodded and didnt disagree much, and here I knew the guy was not up to any good and the whole situation was not very good because God shows me signs of what is about to come, listen to this, this is how He showed me and I always pay attention to these signs, this is what happend, a nurse came in and wanted to give us nutrients through this needle I dont know what its called you know what it is, the sack of fluids with they connect to you in hospitals, the nurse found my vein in the first try but with this other guy, she though she did it right the first time but the needle wasnt in his vein and his hand got swollen a little bit, after an hour after his hand was hurting he called on the nurse and she tired again to get the needle right and after another hour his had got swollen a bit more and he called on the nurse again and she tried again and here is the thing, she tried for the fifth time after many hours the hand of this IRGC agent had swollen badly and here is the thing, I knew from the first moment I met the guy I knew he was an agent and wasnt there for surgery they had sent him to be close to me for whatever reason, I knew that from the get go and now I see his hand and the hand is a very symbolic gesture, so God punished him, He hurt his hand for not having good intentions, I recognized the sign and trusted God to be in good hands here all by myself, then they took me to the surgery room and despite they promised me not to put me out they did, so as soon as I woke up I think seconds after surgery I wanted to get the hell out of there then I calmed myself down, and here is another thing, after surgery my head was about to explode and those sons of bitches didnt even want to give me one pill for my headache thats how dirty those whores wheree there, but again I hand anticipated that but I thought at least my nose is fixed and soon I can start breathing from it again, what happens after they stitch your nose up again they put this one meter and I am not kidding a whole meter of cloth up your nose, dont ask me how that thing fitted in ones nose but it does, they do it to stop the bleeding, the piece of cloth has to be up your nose for a couple days then you have to go back to the hospital for them to pull it out, but you know me, I dont go to hospitals unless I am forced to so after a couple of days I tried to pull it out myself  and you know a piece of cloth dried up with dried blood up our nose is stuck like rebar in concrete, dont ask me how I pulled that thing out but I did, it took some efforts but I did eventually and I got so surprised how a long piece of cloth fits up in ones head, long story short, after a week or so I went back to the hospital to ask what the deal is with the stitches and the strings the threads there and the same doctor the bitch said the stitches and the threads are of the kind that will dissolve by itself after a time so I had nothing to worry about, the thing was I could see that the threads were of a fiber kind not a plastic kind and I know the fiber kind doesnt dissolve up by itself you have to cut it and pull all of them out one by one or they will stay around forever, but she insisted that was not the case and I should let it be, I didnt trust the bitch but what can I do so I let it be to see if the threads would dissolve or not, weeks went by months went by and my nose where the stiches were started to get inflamed with sores and it never healed, it was getting really bad, the sores got worse around my nose and I still didnt want to go to hospital, this over six months after surgery, and the threads were still there so I cut up a piece of my nose cut the threads from inside and pulled three last of them out, two of the threads were deep up my nose it was very difficult to see to cut and pull out, but thanks to God I managed, the reason I am telling you this is this, the IRGC and those human devils they told the surgent to fuck something up with my nose to sabotage something just anything and she decided to instead of using threads which dissolve she used the ones that didnt, and I told you, some of the stiches was under the skin of my nose, you can imagine how difficult it was for me to cut it out myself, but I was a bit lucky because after over six months that piece of flesh around there the stiches were had become so soft and num that it wasnt that hurtful to cut the skin up around it to go in and cut the threads from within, it was still a nasty job but I managed, again the reason I am telling you this is to show you how dirty these Shia mollas and their IRGC sons of whores are, Muslims have a (nefrin) it translates as an honorable curse, a kind of curse which God accepts to inflict harm on someone who has been inflicting harm on you, so He seek justice on your behalf, and I have nefrined them Shia mollas and their cult followers and  look how they are paying right now, as I said in the beginning of this letter, back in 2015 I prevented what was about to happen to them but these Shia mollas instead of thanking me they did things like what I just wrote about, so trust me folks, do NOT shed a drop of tear for any of them, they are some of the worse there is of mankind, divine justice is coming for them and anyone who take their side make no mistake over this telling you all the truth reading this, I never ever in my life had any good impression from any Shia, the Arabs have a word they use which others also understand the word is (kheir) which translates as something good deed some good intention with honor in it, what I want to say is, I never seen any kheir from any Shia ever in my life, I am not kidding here, the Shias are of such character which no matter what you do for them you can give them it all they still will bite you in the end, in my case I never ever met one that didnt, and I speak for myself, a Shia can be nice to you again as long as you are of use for them, if not they will bite you too eventually for no reason, look I have many many other stories to tell about them Shias and those human devils in change of Iran what they have done to me, but for another time, for now I am watching how the Zionists crush them, again I dont feel bad for any of them, they put themselves in this situation, they brought this upon themselves, they have been given many opportunities which they blew, now they are about to get blown up themselves, you have your own self to blame, you have your own parents to blame you have your own leaders to blame, now like everyone else in the universe, you have to deal with the life choices you made, this is the law of the universe and if you have any objections make sure you do it when you stand before your Lord when time comes, and if I were you I would have repented and turned away from these Luciferians as your cult leaders, thats all I can say to you, you do your thing and see how far it will take you, I know where I am going.
