Adam's Fault, Our Punishment, Why? | Shocking Differences in Stories of ...
Now learning that the Torah version of the our origin story is highly corrupted with obvious contradictions the question is, why and how and who did corrupt it, three very good questions, look you can choose to believe none of these two versions the Torah and the Quran origin stories are true, you can believe your ancestors were monkeys but I hope the intelligent being you are now after looked at these two versions of this story lets just call it fantasy, which one makes more sense to you, lets assume there is an all powerful all knowing Creator who can do anything, even cause big bangs so on so forth, lets assume this most powerful entity exist, according to the Torah this all powerful entity makes mistakes all over the place while still been called all powerful all wise all knowing in the Torah, being all these things yet make mistakes on such levels even minor mistakes makes no sense of course, the reason I say the god of the Torah sounds like a crazy person a mad lunatic is because the Torah was corrupted by the enemies of the Creator, it looks to me the same evil jealous creature Satan and his minions must have had something to do with this conspiracy, and look who is corruption the world which people from which teaching, because sure it started gradually with this corrupt versions of everything in the Torah then this massive conspiracy advanced to satanic texts like the Talmud the Zohar Kabala and all these Luciferian cults around the world, and by Luciferian I dont mean Satan was a light bearer, I am just calling it Luciferian because thats what they call themselves, I am just being polite here, what they really are devil worshipers and this term is in some ways polite too I would rather call them destructive sons of bitches which are about to be sent to Hell to burn for all eternity or at minimum just be kept as far from the good people as possible wherever God takes these human devils I dont care just as I dont have to or we dont have to see their ugly ass faces ever again I am happy, I urge you all to not to look at how Muslims behave, Muslims like 90% of all other peoples are the same idiots, what I urge you to do instead for your own good is to look into this Quran and see if it makes sense to you and what you can learn from it because it has so much to give and in return it wants nothing from you but what you can offer to yourself of the good stuff, it made sense to me, it taught me to be one stubborn son of a fish and never kiss the Ring of Evil whatever it offers you.
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