Bitcoin has proven to be a very good investment, David Sacks says

Bitcoin this Anticurrency scheme like all other cryptos were designed to be crashed like so many other cryptos you have seen rise and later to be bailed out from by those who created it, when it comes to Bitcoin it was set up by some very powerful individuals and therefore there is confidence in it that it wont be "mistreated" at least not for some time to come like the other crashed crypto currencies, Bitcoin will be allowed to grow out of proportion you can expect it to grow several times larger than even this, but then time will come for those behind it to bail out too, from what I have heard there is a much more sinister plan behind why Bitcoin was endorsed by these very wealthy and powerful people, they actually want to see mass numbers of people suffer when they pull the trigger on Bitcoin, these people are absolute evil and sadist, they never needed Bitcoin and the vast amount of wealth coming with it, they designed it to crash it later on just to see that look on your face when you have lost your everything, so go ahead and pour all your money and trust in this scheme your money will grow for now thats for sure, I personally wouldnt go near that that if I were you, be satisfy with what you got otherwise your greed will become the end of you then you know who told you the truth, people like myself or these ugly human devils you see in this video clip.
