Hundreds of thousands pack into Beirut stadium for funeral of Hezbollah'...

If you ask me how I feel what I think about the death of Nasrala I must start by saying, I dont feel bad about it in fact I think it was a good thing, I am actually glad he got killed, very happy about it for many reasons, first of all, this Shia thing is NOT Islam, this Shia of today is not the Shias of when they first supported imam Ali, after their deaths things changed, the mollas of that time took the death of the first imams and created a cult around it to solidify their own authority, today this Shia cult have evolved into something totally different, they have started praying to not only the old imams but their children and grandchildren too, this is shirk in Islam, a sin God will not forgive He said, all other sins He can if He wills can forgive but not this one, so over this issue alone the Shias are heretics of the worst kind, then we go over to the crimes the corruption and not least the moral degeneracy and not to leave out the corruption of society they have left after themselves with their Shia canon laws with legalized prostitution with this temporarily marriages and the pimping of young boys and girls which I have posted documentaries proving the fact and lets not forget the homosexual higher ranks and ranks below amongst themselves and the drug trafficking all kinds of criminal activities which you thought only Saudi and other Persian Gulf Arab state royal family members where doing when in fact this Shia state cult out of Iran Lebanon Iraq all are systematically made a trade a business out of for longest time, so yes I am happy their Nasrala is dead, it doesnt mean these criminals will stop trafficking drugs human beings all that, sure they will but lets not overlook who was their leader in Lebanon.
Then I have personal problems with this Shia cult myself, here is the truth folks, ever since I was born and during my childhood all the way till I grew up, this Shia Shaitan cult have always considered me their enemy, treating me as one, I have hundreds of stories to tell about this, back then I could not put my finger on why these damn Shias treated me so bad while I thought I was one of them, this was a mystery to me growing up, I know why now, and now I am going to be their worst enemy right back, over good reason, and because I am who I am I have had met many of their ranks, and let me tell you, I have seen the character of them all and it is true, they are ALL without exception garbage people all of them, I mean human devils of the worst character, they are not Muslims they are as bad as advertised and no doubt they have the curse of God upon them, religiously speaking you Sunnis with all your own issues you better than anyone else know about what I am now referring to when I say even the name these Shias have chosen as the name of their cult in Lebanon (hezbola) I dont even want to spell it correctly because its such an insult towards God because these damn Shias they know in the Holy Quran God speaks about the end times and say there will be a group which are the party of God translated from English to Arabic as Hezbola which these satanic Shias used to as the name of their own satanic cult this drug trafficking cult these criminals these imposters and no other name they could use to offend God more than this one, you Sunnis know what I am speaking about is the absolute truth of it, over this issue alone we must consider this Shia cult outside Islam no matter what they say about the Palestinian issue or about anything else, these Shias stepped over the red line long ago and with their worship of their imams and all other crazy satanic in fact traditions of theirs like beating themselves senseless and bloody like animals they are its not farfetch its clear they have the curse of God upon them so if you ask me am I happy Nasrala is dead, you bet I am, and I hope anyone following him also ends up dead like him, I hope any imposters ends up dead and sent to Hell sooner, we dont need these human devils, they are not of us, we (only) pray to God and only from Him we ask for help, its an easy concept, we dont need any go betweens, I never needed and I am a prime example of Gods grace because the human devils are constantly trying to set me up and have me killed, yet here I am all because I think I have figured who my Master is, who own this world who is the real King who has kept me around, this should be a lesson for you too reading this, leave this Shia business as soon as you can and never look back, if you know whats good for you, only ask the one Jesus prayed to for help and if He deems you worthy perhaps He will look after and guide you too, good luck all the best.
