"I Was WARNED Not To Say This" - Andrew Tate Goes ALL IN On Global Israe...
Both sides of the argument are not necessarily always even partly right, the AshkeNazi side they are not semitic they are not ethnically Jewish they have ZERO connection to the Holy Land, they are European converts to Judaism they have less than zero right to come to the Middle East and occupy of all places the Holy Land as their own, they are imposters, they are the Synagog of Satan with their Zionism, they can go to Hell for all I care, somebody remind Andrew of it before his tongue gets sore from licking asses there, what he doesnt seems to understand is, a Zionist can never be trusted, they will backstab you eventually, its in their satanic nature, I have stated this before, I dont believe Andrew is actually a Muslim, I think he and his brother picked Islam and Christianity each to lure people from both sides to them, thats what I think they did, look one thing is clear, the Tate brothers they gravitate towards where power is, this is the exact opposite what a Believer does, a Believer would distance himself and herself from the center of power, why, because thats where Corruption dwell, everything unholy everything corrupt everything crooked lies there, if you have the urge to go that route then something is clearly wrong with you, what did the Bible and the Holy Quran say about this subject, it told you to stay away from it among other recommendations, now when you see people pretending to be these "holy warriors" while acting as unholy as one can get well then it should be clear to you what you have before you, and if you cant see it then something is wrong with you too, sorry to say.
You either take a stance against all types of corruption or you are one of their tools, there is no middle way in this one, you need to pick a side buddy its either or, if you choose to distance yourself from these human devils it will come with a price of course, a price you must be willing to pay, but it will be worth it, its the best investment you have done it will take you far to places these human devils will in time get their eyes on but never touch, good luck.
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