[ LIVE from Moscow ] - Judge and The INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern

Someone ask the Judge incase RusPutin brought him a catalogue with prostituted cuz they did it to me, not kidding first they got a MILF around my neck which I couldnt get off me no matter what I said simultaneously they brought me a catalogue with younger prostitutes to choose from, I am telling you the leaders of Russia are one sick degenerate rat bastards, no Believer should ever cover for these Freemasonic monkeys, you are a naive fool a good for nothing if you shill for these Soviet human devils, you are directly covering for some of the most corrupt most evil people in the world truth be said we have these human devils in all countries not just in Russia, these people are everywhere, there are not honorable governments they are all equally bad make no mistake on this, the safe way is to boycotting them all and do your own thing, because you dont want to mix with these low lives trust me on this, I have spend a little bit of time with all these human devils and you couldnt give me anything to mix with them, I have already made my choices and letting you know what I found out about them so you dont have to, just trust me on this, you dont want to mix for a second with these rats, they are all fucked up in their minds, if you actually knew the true meaning of corrupt means I am telling you, it takes you to dark places, you dont wanna go there or risk getting lost like these human devils, truly I dont see them as human beings any more, they lost their humanity sometimes very long time ago, I think all they got left of their humanity is when they want to get reminded of it just to justify they are still part of it and thats it, then they go back to the shitheads they are, they were, they will remain, anyways, stay away from them, its safer and better for you this way, dont shill for them, none of them are up to any good, God doesnt like them why would you like them, see my point, its simple folks its not hard concept, just stay away from hypocrites and the corrupt ones, good luck.
