You're not allowed to have a DNA test in Israel
I stand firm on this, the Ashkenazis are the Gog and Magog descended on the Holy Land and corrupted it, they are the Khazars, the Khazars are the Gog and Magog, there is no dispute about it, now it doesnt mean just because one is from a particular base you are either or good or bad, thats not how it works, your choices determine what category you fall in, in the case of Gog and Magog it just happened the Bible and the Holy Quran inform you of a race of people that will come and corrupt the Holy Land and the entire world, and if you look around there is only one group of people which fits that description, the Ashkenazi "Jews" who are not Jews no ethnic connection to the Middle East they are not semites they are imposters the Synagog of Satan, Jesus said about their Talmud which is the source of all troubles in the world, I am not ashamed to say it neither should you be, the Talmud is NOT the word of God, its the words of this or that luciferian rabbis totally in cahoots with the Devil, I am not insulting the Torah, not even that is 100% the word of God but thats beside the point, we shouldnt insult the Torah for there is at least some words of God in it I admit but the Talmud is pure satanic no question about that, if you are a Jew trying to be God fearing, I very strongly suggest stay away from whatever the hell that Talmud is saying, stay with your Torah your Tanakh and you will do just fine, in fact you would do even better if you were able to read between the lines and determine what parts are the words of God and what parts are not, the genocidal ones are not the word of God and the parts where it paint a dirty picture of our Prophets thats made up too by the same luciferians who wrote the Talmud, because just so you know, prophet Moses nor any other of those Prophets wrote a single word of this Torah down themselves, its called the Five Books of Moses but the guy didnt wrote a word of it himself, others did long after he left the Israelites at the border of the Holy Land but never entered it himself, he just left them there and walked away from them ungrateful bunch, after all he did for them, they still wanted to kill the guy, I mean what do you say when you hear that about these joooz and now you have the Ashkenazis on their necks too I mean what a crap show it has come down to today, it cant end well thats all I am saying.
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