Biden Voters: I Won't Vote For Anyone Else

Speaking of the Hunger Games, as the only Super Duper Victor of all times, the only one who not only has won the whole damn thing and movies made about him ( that is me ) and as the only Victor they dont know what to do with now that I have defeated them all :) I have to say this, the mainstream is committing the same mistakes again and because of this it could and probably would get President Trump another term, personally I think and I am very seriously about it, I believe if it comes to be between President Trump and Mr Biden there is a very high probability that President Trump could with a very small magine get another term, there are many things speaking in the favor of Mr Trump right now Mr Biden has to measure up to and it could be a uphill battle what I am saying it wont be easy, its NOT written in stone far from it, its written on water perhaps and speaking of water, damn I miss my boat, damn Sodom and Britain for like lapdogs just obeying whatever the hell the Sodomised told them to do, to steal my boat but I will say this to Britain, if one single screw get missing from my boat and I mean one single screw what I will do in return will go down in history regarding your butts, I trust you dont want me to get on the international stage and never stop talking about how your soon future king Charles murdered his wife Princess Diana so that he could marry that evil lizard Camilla, if one single crew gets missing from my boat I promise you what I just stated and believe you me I will, I want my boat back delivered to me right now and with compensation, but I know you wont and I know how arrogant you are so what remains is me doing all those things I said I would and I will, I want my boat back you pirates you criminals but the main blame will go to Sodom, and I have stated this before, in my future Atlases the name of Sweden will be replaced with Sodom, they have my word on it, the world will refer to this pedophile hell hole as Sodom, ohhh I am going have the last laugh evil sons of devils and hell with their royal of you can call it royal household too, hell with them all, may the curse of God be not only upon them but this whole pedophile shit hole, anyways, going back to politics, the mainstream is such a mess up but again if you are honest I would say, President Super Trump he is not a super duper only I am that but President Super Trump has not done too bad of a job being honest, but I dont like when he gives the mollas hope of bilateral talks, what is that all about, hey Bolton and Pompeo ! do something !!! what are you two doing there anyway ?????
