I also have some good news, after that treatment I received in Iran when they thought they were punishing me for insulting this witch here they seems to worship these filthy mollas over the phone from Iran with punishing me with prison time for calling her a few well placed words in one of these private prisons and after the fus I made about the injustice they put me through, and after how bad I made the mollas look with their backward policies all these privately owned and run prisons are put out of business, all thanks to me, I wondered what lesson God wanted me to learn by placing me there but the answer never came then but now I have learned all these prisons have been closed all over Iran, looks like I still have friends there, and I also gave the execution order of the owner of that place they personally put me in and that job also got done, yeah baby :) he deserved it that corrupt arrogant bastard, they authorities were lucky because I had given the order to all those owners of those prisons if they didnt close up their businesses same thing would happen to them so lucky them, I have stated, I wont be merciful towards any slave traders, profiting from the pain of others, do that and I will put you though pains myself you would never imagined would come to you, so now these poor addicts have me to thank for easing their suffering, just dont forget who was responsible for that either !
