Hello friends !
If you remember a couple of years ago I spoke of a thought that came to me and how it came to me in a more precise manner I will let you know in my coming book, so I am not going to be articulate as one can be because this is just a casual chat between us, in any case, when I was 12-13 something year old a thought came to me and it was one of those strong thoughts that you don’t forget, I was by myself outside walking, that’s then the good thoughts come to you, the thought was about America and what was going to happen to it, and remember why should a kid get a political you can perhaps call it a vision of a country you cant point to on the map but it came to me in a way telling me, there will be no country being to defeat America what will happen is they will destroy themselves from within, and again remember politics and anything in those lines was the last thing on my mind but that was what the thought I call it a thought, I wouldn’t call it a vision as you might think of it, it was a very strong thought just like that but it made an impression on me that I am sharing it with you now, and little did I knew then that one day I will find myself in the middle of it, imagine that its almost unbelievable thinking about it now but it is what it is, this strong thought came in a very short words sort of speak, a very short thought and that was it, and I see it happening right in front of me and with what I do know about a whole range of issues today, it is not hard to put two and two together, I am letting you over there know this because I hope you see what is happening, I know most of you don’t because if you did you wouldn’t waste a minute more in dividing America further, if you saw what will happen what the consequences of what can and may God forbid would happen you are a fool to again further stir up divisive  feelings among your own family members your own countrymen more than you have, I hope my so called vision was not a decisive outcome but only an option meaning, you are the one to shape the outcome of your future, all I can say is, you are in deep deep trouble and if you do not reverse and choose another path forward soon there will be no turning back, look friends I know most of you don’t believe in God and some prophecies and also in other higher powers, you really should because it is all real, these natural disasters are not random events, didn’t I told you a couple of years ago that these disasters will only get worse by the year and look the 2019 has just began and you haven’t have had a day of rest from these disasters, and its not just affecting you in America, it is happening all over the world, it has absolutely nothing to do with climate change, go that path and blame it on that and these higher powers will prove you wrong, but don’t take my word for it, leaving this with natural disasters, listen the reason I care about America is not just because I am Amirican myself, there are other reasons as well, one for instance is, the concept of freedom is imbedded deeply in you, mainly because you have a gone through a few events that has shaped you into what you are today, warriors, I like warriors, freedom fighters, I am not saying Evil has not infected and infiltrated your Systems, because it has you have been used and misused to do others dirty work and because of this higher powers do not favor you much right now but I believe there is still time for repentance and time to as you say it do the right thing, starting for yourselves, telling you the truth the only country I am most hopeful despite all this is America, one because I believe the fact that Americans cherish your constitutional laws and the fact that you have made yourselves believe you are the most free nation on earth has have had its affects, look a country like Sweden or any other country around the world for that matter, do you hear their citizens scream from the bottom of their lungs day in and day out that they are the most free nations on earth, n they are not, you never hear any of these countries from their citizens saying they are the most free, they just think they are, and the thought of never openly bitching about it has ensured the corrupt ones to impose restrictions after restrictions on them and like the frog in the boiling water they have got used to the situation they live in, still believing they have the best system of all so they do no longer fight for anything called freedom, this has also as I have talked about ensured evil cults taking over whole nations right in front of the noses of their people yet they still think they are most free, it is laughable really, when they snatched me up in UK sure I was never allowed to go outside to meet and talk to people but I did see and met the Brits inside these institutions, I saw what their TV programs were broadcasting, what they brainwashed people with, and did I say, the shrink that labeled me a mental case which I will eventually get to, that piece of crap I saw on TV a couple of days later of a talk show, yes this is how bad it is, but that aside for a moment, I don’t want to talk about that, my point is I saw what they tried to turn the good British people into, and by God I liked the people very very much, trust me when I say 95% of all Brits I personally talked to from the poor lunatics in these institutions to those who cared for them all believed in God, imagine that, 95% of them, here in Sodom you couldn’t find 5% that believes in God, when I say 95% believed in God I mean it, I only talked to one or two that didn’t even one of them did in a way but she had been so damaged poor thing that she was perhaps disappointed in things like religions and I don’t blame her either, I noticed something from their TV programs that I haven’t even seen here in Sodom and their tv shows, in UK just about all their tv programs from their local music channels to their everyday programs were projecting sexuality nonstop like crazies, everything was about sex sex and more sex, yet their people the Brits white or colored were resisting and were Believers and actually in a strong way too, that amazed me thinking to myself these people are under such pressure yet they are not giving up, good for them, but then I thought about people in America, you are very similar but with one huge difference, you still have you guns, yeah that’s right you haven’t been castrated yet, I mean it, because if you surrender you guns to Hydra in control, trust me the whole world will suffer, so whatever you do, you need to resist so you don’t turn into those in Iran Sweden UK and just about anywhere else, you are the last hope for humanity and I mean it, this has to be said also, I intend is to end all weapons manufacturing worldwide and we will, we will start from the top, we will start with the nukes, then go over to the rockets carrying nukes then work ourselves all the way down till no weapons are left, not even for governments, sure we can still have single action weapons like I have talked about before and some other things under strict control, I am for having fun myself like going to the range and shoot like in the movies, with miniguns with all those fun stuff but then no one is to bring those weapons back home, it stays there safe from the hands of anyone, then we are going to make everything tax free the guns all the equipment to them the rounds everything will get super cheap like you never seen before, and sure you can have single action 50 cal at home, shotgun anything but semi automatics and of course automatic weapons, not even the wealthy people will be allowed to have any of these, only the local Swat forces for security, and this is a good method for the super wealthy to keep themselves to the rules because now they don’t have a private army to hide behind, and if they misbehave the citizens can go and knock on their doors with baseball bats teaching them a lesson you know what I mean, then there will be no more corruption because the true power is in the hands of the people, you want true democracy this is the way to do it, but that’s for later, that day will come trust me, it has to but me saying this will naturally make more powerful enemies that wants to get to me, but in their dreams, alright I don’t mean to make this too long because I know you don’t like me talking for too long so let me end with this, you America need to think things over more carefully where you want to go at, do you want to make thing better then you better try to talk unity instead of divisive rhetorics,, it is up to you, just remember, you have enemies both within you and others who seek to see you weak divided and then destroyed, you have a choice to make and you this with time, never enough of it, and you Brits, you stay strong now !!!
