Hello friends !
 I am sure most of you want to hear my version of what happened when I ended up in UK and their authorities, alright here it comes, as you know I lived in my boat a 29 foot sailing boat I had worked on almost two years preparing it for my escape from this hellhole the Evil One has placed me in, that is Sweden, a place of humiliation a place of dishonor a place of betrayal a place of nothing but shame so naturally any one would have done is to try to escape it, and I have tried six times not seven six times, I hope my seventh time will be successful, God willing, so the 15 of April I decided it was time to cast off and sail to America more precisely to New York, I had prepared everything and by then I had enough resources in form of food water fuel everything  and had gained experience to sail off and cross the Atlantic, I encountered one bad storm the second and third day but that went well thanks to God, I will go more into detail in my book but that’s for later, then the third to the six day there were no winds to speak of and things got a bit boring, over all it took me seven days to reach UK shores, I don’t know but for some reason I decided to get a bit closer to chore and drop my anchor for a day or two of rest, I didn’t need to do that but that was what I decided, a big mistake and I will tell you why, the next day the winds started to pick up and I decided to pull my anchor up and sail off but during the night don’t tell me how but something had got around my prop, strangest thing I tell you because it shouldn’t happen, my boat is an old long keel and the prop is at the back and high up, in other words the prop is well protected but somehow don’t ask me how something and something heavy of metal got stuck around my prop and my boat is electric I don’t have a diesel engine, when I pulled my anchor up the tided around UK shores were very strong, nothing like I have experienced in our waters here up north, I pulled my anchor up and trust me it tool the toll of me , it felt like lifting or pulling hundreds of kilos, anyways, I was totally exhausted and the tides were pulling me like crazy and I not started because its not an diesel engine ;) its wonderful but the thing with electricity and with such high amps is, you don’t want to mess with it, it can start a fire in no time, 24 volts yes but with 500 amps in 25 volt you will melt any kind of thick wires in no time, but the motor is not that strong, its sensitive stuff and it doesn’t give much room for mistakes so what happened was a fuse went off generating a bit of smoke but nothing major, a homemade fuse because one of those fuses are expensive, like ten dollars, look when you are poor as I am you make your own stuff like that when you shouldn’t, but it did the job and went off, and I was drifting with no propulsion and I decided to call for mayday and the British coastguard answered and pulled me in to shore, what a big mistake, the coastguard guys were wonderful, the best of people, it took us an hour to get to land so I as I am started to talk, talk about lets just call it things, things like I am here to meet the queen and I had plans to join the royal air force and I said it not seriously the truth is I said a lot of senseful things not just gibberish, we had fun the hour it took us to reach land, and when we reached land the UK border force were there waiting for me, and here is where all my problems started, before I docked I could see that they knew me and they had something on their minds but I couldn’t tell what, so I docked tied the boat right, they were very polite that way but one of the lady from the border force were looking at me very strangely and, she didn’t look me in the face but was looking for something else and as you sailors are aware of, on  a boat as a sailor there is always something to cut yourself on and you always have some kind of little cuts here and there on your hands on your legs and places like that but this lady of course couldn’t see my legs but she saw my hands and the little browses and cuts on my hand the first thing she asked me and I swear to God the first thing she asked of me was if I had tried to hurt myself, right there I understood she was briefed on me and they had an agenda but what could I do and I said no why would I try to hurt myself what kind of question is that but she insisted to look at my hands and the cuts were obvious they were not self inflicted, but they were polite and that was it, then the local police officer came and we sat in the boat for some interrogation why I had come here and I told them what had happened that I got something around my prop and that I was on my way to NY and I needed to get that whatever it was of my prop then I was ready to get off, but before I continue with the story I want to let you all know that something around my prop was placed there during the time I had dropped my anchor by somebody, I want to be clear about this, because it is just impossible for a thing like this to happen, they wanted me to step in to land for them to arrest me and make my life a more of a living hell than it already is, in any case, inside the boat with the police officer one thing he said that made my suspicion stronger that an evil plan is being played was, he said from nowhere, so Sweden is your enemy now right, and the thing is I had not mentioned Sodom at all, not a word about any of it, so I understood he also had been briefed and I was not among friends but among people with an agenda, then we went to the police station for more talks, they were again very polite and they brought me a big cup of coffee and then another one and after the second one I started to get real tired and I was getting out of myself, I don’t know what in the hell they put in that damn coffee I believe it was some kind of truth serum drug because I couldn’t stop just talking while I was out of nothing extremely tired but I couldn’t stop talking so I talked and talked and kept on going, there they told me to and I have God as my witness, they told me that I was welcome to UK and I was free to get in and there were no problems, that’s what they told me, and after a few hours of me just talking they said they needed to see if I had some physiological mental issues a shrink need to look into and give their assessment, I told them they are offending me by putting my mental health into question but what could I do, I understood I was under their control and there was nothing I could do about it, so they took me to a local hospital the next morning three shrinks came in, one female Indian prostitute of a shrink a corrupt evil bitch may the curse of God be upon her, Amen, and one Pakistani or an Indian shrink he didn’t said much but then the third and the most corrupt one of them was this British son of a devil with long crawly hear, as evil as it comes a face I will never forget or forgive, he will definitely see more of me in the future and I can promise him this, he will get punished for what he did, again I promise him and you all this, he will not get away with this, he decided that I was mentally ill and that it was necessary that they kept me locked up, he said it was necessary for my own case of for the publics sake, again I will deal with him at a later point, then they took me to a real mental hospital and guess what, four days after that I saw his ass on tv on a talk show, the name of the tv channel was Dave, as ugly as he was, the thing is my friends these evil sons of devils who are making my life miserable have a thing between them, the deal is, anyone who is ready to mess with me in any capacity will get awarded to show up on tv, and it took his ass four days to show his ugly face on tv, four days, so he got his 15 minutes of fame for being corrupt, do you guys understand when I say the Evil side is in full control of the institutions now ?? perhaps you do perhaps you are still sleep walking or just do not care, I don’t know but this is what these evil bastards are doing to me here, so is it strange for you to realize why I just have to leave Sodom and why I am against EU and all its corrupt institutions ?? they all have been infiltrated by Hydra, but those of you who has followed my case for some time you know what I am saying here is the truth, they are rewarding any corrupt evil person who is willing to betray me and stab me with tv appearances, a few minutes of fame that’s all it takes for them to get corrupt, but they should know, they will all get a visit from me sooner or later and then I want to see what they or their masters can do about it, back to the story, in the new mental hospital the second shrink an African shrink as corrupt as the first one named Masada or something I will get to him as well in time, it’s a promise, he declared that I was crazy as well so now they have two corrupt shrinks with the assessment that I was mentally ill and for the sake of myself and the public I needed to be locked up, they kept me there for more than a week and the third shrink an honest finally a good man may God bless him an African shrink signed me off saying I am not crazy, imagine friends nowadays in this corrupt world when you tell the truth you are labeled a crazy man and with the help of these very corrupt government employees these disgusting shrinks they can lock you up forever just like that because they have been ORDERED by the Evil One to do so and naturally they follow the orders from their wicked master, but my problems didn’t end there, it had just begun, I was under the impression that alright now that it is stated I am not crazy and I have no intend to stay in UK they will release me get me back to my boat so I could sail off again, and remember friends, it was a sea rescue, they pulled me in, they could just put this option to me before they pulled me in, that if they do so and if I take a step into land the risk is that they could say I am here or there illegally and they could therefore arrest me but as I told you it had nothing to do with that, first of all while I had dropped my anchor somebody had placed something around my prop, this is what happened they wanted me to get in and they got what they wanted, and in the lunatic hospital the border force officers came for an interview again, five six of them, fine, they told me that I had not committed a crime and of course I had not, it was a sea rescue, and they told me that soon I will get released from that lunatic asylum and they would escort me to my boat and even escort me 12 miles off shore then I could sail to wherever I wanted as long as its away from UK, so of course I was happy about that at least I am out of here, but then on the date of my release from that hospital they handcuffed me like a criminal drove me to a refugee asylum prison, it was a prison, kept me there for three weeks and there they told me that they are not escorting me to my boat but they will deport me by fight to Sodom directly and if I wanted my boat I had to hire a British crew pay them to sail my boat to Sodom and they know it is mission impossible, because how could I find a crew in Britain and it would cost me a fortune to pay a crew to bring my boat to Sodom, something I forget to tell you all early on in the story is that the first coffee they game me in the police station it not only made me talk like crazy but a few weeks after my memory was totally messed up, for at least three weeks after I drank that dam coffee I couldn’t remember ever simple things like the number of my room, I had even problem remembering my room number, evil sons and daughters of devils these people, the last week I started to become a little bit myself, I am ok now again, another thing one of the border force officers said when I asked of her why they couldn’t do as they had promised me that is to get me to my boat her answer was, we cannot guarantee you sail to Sodom, that what she told me, but before that they told me that me getting to America was a bad idea because their navy would shoot me down, honest to God that’s what they told me, and I said why would they do that, the US Navy is on my side, and I understood it as Sodom has told the Brits to send me back without my boat cutting my legs off that way and they know I am totally broke and for me to get hold of a boat will take long time and during that time they could do what they always has done, to show how evil they are by keeping me here so that I wouldn’t get anywhere and uphold my destiny that way, but I am promising them, they wont be able to keep me here for too long these evil people in Sodom, and I had many in fact all my personal stuff in that boat, I mean everything even my cloths like my Harley Davidson jacket, evil sons of devil, now they have all my even the little things I had taken away from me, that’s how evil Sodom and the Brits are and I thought Norway was evil, I feel like I have to apologize to Norway, at least I could get inside the country without any damn visa or anything and I was treated with at least a little bit of respect except that evil son of a bitch the leaser of that marina that gave me a hard time, I will make sure his ass get a visit in due time, I will punish him so hard I will make an example of him for all evil doers members of Hydra to understand what will happen if they mess with me, I am telling him and those like him, I hope he reads this or some of them get this message to him, I will see YOU later piece of shit, you are NOT getting away either, your ass will come to belong to me in time, he has my word on it , in fact if any of you friends can make an example like those others you have made if you can and I am sure you can do the same with him please, I will do it myself in time but it would be better if you could do it right now, bit over all I feel like I have to apologize to Norway, you are no longer to be named Gomorrah, Britain sham be name the Great Gomorrah, I have zero against the British people you are all wonderful people, you were very nice to me on a personal level but you are ruled in secret by most evil people on earth, this monkey ass antichrist is among you I will talk about it at a later point and you want to hear this trust me, but back to the other things, the truth is I have to leave Sodom again and in a boat, but I don’t have the means to do so, so I would really need help from you guys, I need some of you to get hold of a boat something between 30 to 35 foot, rather 35 foot so it wouldn’t be too painful doing this all over again, if you could get hold of a cheap boat it need to have a good autopilot that the only thing I need to work properly, get hold of a such boat it doesn’t have to cost more than ten something grand put on internet here in Sodom near where I am, but you must not sell it to anyone by me and you need to set the price very low so I know its for me, so I can make another try leaving to America where I have friends far from this hell hole and these monsters and I know the US Navy would never sink me like the Brits told me, they tried to scare me off with BS but its not working, nothing they do will work in the long run, so if you friends could do me this favor and get a boat I could make another try would be wonderful because otherwise I have to by a super cheap 20foot something and make a try with that the thing is I could make it over but it would really be pain the butt in a 20 foot little boat with no toilet with no nothing, for the journey to be easier I need at least something a 30 foot boat like the first one but 35 would be paradise J look guys I need to do this sooner or the weather would be terrible I have two months to do this thing and I will do it anyway but a bit of help would really be great right now, alright I need my pure coffee now nothing like the poison they fed me in UK, evil bastards, bye J
