Chuck Schumer says U.S. needs to get "Johnny on the pony" to stop Russia...

How did Iran interfere in the election, I hope he doesnt mean me, I am not just Iran, I am more than that, besides he doesnt seems to get how this whole thing works, I have talked about it how it works, there is no possible way to cut the US and its citizens from access to Internet, he better understand this little simple fact, the only way for America or any other country to stay safe from interference (is) to make sure its citizens doesnt feel like they have to go to English speaking foreign channels to make their complains, this is on the shoulders of in this case American policy makers to ensure people feel like they are getting heard by their own damn people, its like a troubled kid in your own households, you cant force them to do anything, you would know this by now Minority Leader Schumer, its simple math man, but you seems to have problems getting simple things like this and you are not the only one I see, yes you all on both sides have some work to do, to look after your own, do that and they wont go elsewhere, look at me here, the mollas are after to get me and now I am forced to this from here instead, but my problems are more complex than that but you get the point, perhaps not I dont know, so stop nagging and get to work instead, I have told people on the left stop bitching about Russia and the rest of it, you are only making it worse, dont you see it ?? you dont seems to get it do you, look people on the left have been nagging about this Russia thing for some time, what do you have to show for it by now, nothing at all, in fact you have made the other side only stronger, you are making it worse, open your eyes buddy, I am telling you what to do here, people on the left need to drop this with the loss of 2016, I know it was a big blow but what the hell man get over it, what you need to spend all your time on is to introduce sound policies that is beneficial to the people on the ground, thats all you need to do, and if you really wanted to win you and your mainstream media on the left would NOT shadowban Sen Bernie Sanders the ONLY one that can beat President Trump but you cant even deal with simple facts like this after that you already not you personally but people on the left the mainstream to pick the right person to take home the win, cant you see why people are pissed off right now, and then you complain why people have lost any confidence in the system and its decision makers you are leaving me speechless and many others as well.
