Documentary about child sex abuse in Poland catholic church sparks outrage

It is not just the Vatican and the Catholics, this thing with sex and not just sex, dirty sex is what unites all crazy people from all so called religions and groups, some are lefties some are on the right some are Muslims some are Christians Jews Atheists you name it, in these cults you find all from all over the world but this with dirty sex is what unites them all, they look after one another, and their women is what most has to look out for, they come innocent some of them are even cute looking seniors, I remember when I was 17 something years old, it was the birthday of my girlfriend, an agent of theirs but I didnt knew then in any case it was her birthday and I wanted to buy something for her and I went to the mall and my eyes catch the attention of some womens underwear a bra, and right there a woman in her 40s came to me from nowhere, she was following me because I noticed her, she came to me and asked me if I wanted some help, I very casually said it was the birthday of my girlfriend and I was looking at these bras, then in the middle of the mall she almost took her breasts out and said, are they in this size, and I thought wth is going on here, wth is the matter with her, and I gave her the look of get the hell out of here and she got the message and disappeared, and right now today I know of elderly women having younger guys to do things with them on regular basis, its a cult I am telling you, and I am telling you they are all pedophiles, these women and their sexual habits is I think much worse than anything you can imagine, these women are sexually active it looks like to the day they drop dead, but it is not just them, its the whole dirty sex thing, and here is something many do not know of, these lefties are most naive, they do not know what is going on when they support these open borders policies not that people on the right know any better but here is what actually going on at least regarding a small country like Sodom with a tiny population, in order to survive they need to increase their population but the culture they are put down for themselves has backfired but the fact is that in order to survive they need to do something drastic, but before I continue, the intelligent and wiser of you know both sides on left and right were created by the same people, so lets not forget that before we continue, but I am going to criticize people on the left and their, lets bring in all as much as we can policy, a meaningless country like Sodom with a tiny population need people, so they as they are good at played the "good" guys the "empathetic" ones and brought in all kinds of people from these third world countries, the things I am telling you I have seen and experienced myself so its not just out of nowhere I tell you this, so the System behind Sodom brought these peasants young men and women into the country, before they let them in these refugees ends up in these many refugee camps, there without their knowledge they get evaluated secretly, all their habits gets registered and evaluated to see if there are potentials for them to become spies for their new country, and this is how it works, if they are deemed to have potential to become a backstabbing piece of crap after they get their residential ship confirmed, if they are male they get invited to parties to some gatherings and there a blond Swedish female get assigned to them to have sex and stuff, then they get gradually invited to do other stuff, remember the intelligence services here has already evaluated them know their characters so there is nothing these new potentials to hide from their new masters, then according to their sexual habits and other things their new handler starts to brainwash them, and they get rewarded with as much sex as they can handle and imagine, you come from a third world country, from a dusty crappy place, with no hopes of even not being send back to his or her country or origin but now he or she is being invited to parties to meet with these new Swedes and then on top of that all the sex and attention, for these newcomers they feel they have fallen into heaven itself, now they have a job the second day after they got out of that damn refugee camp, now they are in a group, and all other goodies, they believe they are the luckiest persons in the world right now, everything has being taken care of in no time, and with these new handlers they get brainwash to become spies, then they are sent either to their countries after a while to visit relatives or for any reason to do the dirty work of their new masters, and with refugees from all over the world brought in like this a tiny meaningless place like Sodom all of the sudden has global reach, then it doesnt stop there, remember this has been going on for decades by now, 50 years and more, now these brainwashed refugees has lived here for some time, now its time for them to start their own families and remember this has been going on for a long time, and now with their own kids, they are now trained each enough to do the same with their train their own children to become one ugly backstabbing piece of crap themselves, I know many of these kids too many where they have been sexually molested by their parents and the friends of their parents as children because its a good method to create messed up children to form them as they will because when you sexually abuse a child this child becomes bipolar with at least two personalities, and they grow up to HATE anything that has to do with God because they will say, how come God allowed this misery of them getting abused like that affect them, so they start to hate everything that has to with God as well, and this is (the) main purpose of them getting abused like that by their parents and their friends to hate God, this is directly the work of the Devil, he facilitated it to get a start on and now this evil international global luciferian project is running on its own steam and it is getting worse by the day, do you now what is going on around us or do you still chose to remain a naive fool, its getting worse by the day and all all nations are infected with this cancer and as I have told you, its as active in Iran right now under the mollas as in the worst places inside the Vatican or anywhere else for that matter, dirty sex is what unites them all, and they hate me for telling you this, I have seen it and I know what is going on, its massive people massive, Hydra is everywhere but dont be a pussy yourself, you can chose instead to become brave and do something about it, to start with you need to start talk about it openly, and again do not be afraid be a man be a real good warm woman, do not be like these filths whom we have to wage war against to free humanity, there is no other way or everything will get lost, Evil will win, but over my dead body its not like we are weak either, I could start hunting them one by one down only if I had another one like myself with some resources to be able to move around, there are many like myself but where they are only God knows.

What I am saying is, do NOT think or do NOT say this is a Catholic issue do NOT put blames on others, your own thing whatever it mayis is just as infected with this crap, you need to start cleaning up at your own home first before anything, and these people are clever, because if you start openly mentioning this they will start calling you a homophobe and shut you down like that, see now it works, but ask yourselves, of the gays today how many have been sexually abused themselves, I would say perhaps 95% of them but we are not allowed to criticize or bringing up this issue and dig deep into it because the topic of homosexuality is there and as soon as you touch it they get offended these people, they keeping this issue of the table has ensured this cancer to continue and grow and now its is already out of control because these sex cults are EVERYWHERE.
