Elizabeth Warren Talks Rejecting Fox News Town Hall | The View

Nobody said just because one as a Dem appearing on Fox News you should or have to sell your values in exchange for anything, the points Sen Elizabeth Warren makes are valid but the conclusion I dont agree with, I think Meghans conclusion is more correct, sure at times too often they repeat very divisive rhetorics hyping it up yes for the sake of ratings, it is very harmful for the country in the long run, it has to be said that I dont believe all Fox News viewers are of those in the comment section because those guys just omg they are out there, the centrist conservatives are really good people and they deserve to hear what the other side has to say also and many times they dont and when they dont when the opportunity is there for some on the left to make themselves heard, I think they are doing everybody a disservice not to go there for a talk, I think it is still a win if Sen Warren took this upon herself to take the risk, I know there are those around her in her close circle that advise her not to do so and we have heard the arguments here today but I still think its a good idea not least to heal the rift in the country and give foreign powers less room to maneuver with their arguments, so if you want to shut them up, if I were her and others I would definitely show up just about anywhere on the other side to make your political arguments heard, thats what I would have done, look it doesnt help anyone to draw a red line on especially things that could and should be solved and must be solved, and everything can get solved, just about, it is very little that cannot get solved, but even that will be it is just a question of how serious you are to get results.
