Ex-GOP congressman: It's time to impeach Trump

Oh yeah now you are going to get political advice from a GOP congressman or I am sorry a former GOP, its a bait the Dems shouldnt take, sure no wrong doers should get away with crimes of any kind but ask yourselves this, what is the purpose of this impeachment, to get a conviction right, you know you will never get to that point so why proceed and waste your time on something that will lead nowhere but to divide the country even more, its bad politics folks, the majority of Americans dont want this, its not popular its just a bad idea, if you proceed even with the idea you are making it easier for Mr Trump go get re elected, I dont get it, there are injustices going on all the time behind the scene nobody is talking about while they are seeing wth is going on and now you want to stick to this a losing battle why ?? why are you out of ides or what is it, look its the fault of DNC we are in this mess anyway, mistakes were made and if you ask me perhaps it wasnt such a bad idea Mr Trump got elected because I am starting to think, perhaps a person like him was needed to prevent WW3, because I am thinking if someone else would been in his place more receptive to the war hawks may God forbid would have been in some kind of major war by now, and this was the main reason I changed my mind and endorsed Mr Trump at late hour of the election, because Ms Hillary just couldnt stop nagging about what she would do if she got elected with no fly zones over Syria and other places she would have got involved in, she was repeating the exact words and rhetoric of Bolton and other war hawks, she even started to scare me, and that rhetoric was the absolute main reason she lost the election, I mean talk about bad terrible political advisers she had around her, I see the same craziness going on here again with this impeachment, yes its divisive and it will lead nowhere, its bad on all fronts, nothing personal against Hillary but I think if she had me as her main adviser she not only could have won easy but done well on all other fronts as well but what are you gonna do when you have incompetent adviser around you, it leads to defeats like this, you know the main reason Mr Trump won was because he spoke of peace and blessed be the peacemakers, isnt that what God said ?? so Mr Trump spoke of peace and people voted on that and he won, Hillary spoke of war and she lost, its that simple and now some want to go to war with Mr Trump over valid issues but losing ones, and its not popular, you are going against the stream, dont do it, save your valid popular for the election dont weaken your arguments with this, I wouldnt do that, or do that and make sure he gets re elected.
