Hello friends !
Listen I wont give up till you get the message through your think heads, right now I am going to direct this to my people in Iran, I know I have loyal followers inside the Iranian armed forces, and some less loyal and some are directly in cahoots with the Evil One, and yes I know the most loyal of my people inside the military are well aware of everything I am about to say here the less loyal they are what I and the Evil One are fighting over to get to either of our sides, that’s where the majority of you are at, I believe the best way for me to get this true message through your thick skulls is to make you aware of my own personal story because it is central to just about (everything) so let me take you way back, I was NOT born in Iran but elsewhere, I was stolen by this shia cult many of you still unfortunately subscribe to again it has zero to do with our love and full respect for our or (my) Ahlul Bait, and for those who don’t know what it is, it is the blood family of Prophet Mohammad, yes it is central to just about (everything) and I will tell you who don’t know much about it at a later point but right now I am speaking to my people in Iran, this shia molla cult and its Hezbesheytan they are NOT what you thought of them and I am going to prove to you why and how, for those of you who know I wasn’t born in Iran, the name Amir Sarkari Fari is NOT my name, the name of my biological father is NOT the name on my forged Iranian passport, and you know better than I that the name of the father on onces Iranian passport MUST be the REAL name of the bio father or it has to be stated otherwise, but on my passport the molla authorities has faked it, this should be proof enough for you to take my words as true from now on, this evil pedophile witch is NOT my mother either, but you got that already, so here is what happened, I am the first and only one of my kind if you know what I mean, the Evil One with all its resources has tried to replicate how I came to be but God never allowed it to be replicated, I am the one and only one of my kind, makes me very special that way, this should also be proof for you that higher powers at me wanted it to remain this way and it has remained no matter how much the Evil One has tried to replicate it, so I was made elsewhere then stolen brought to Iran and the shia molla cult who is one with the Evil One forged this passport changed my true identity then making the story short, in the middle of the Iran Iraq war the shia mollas in need of weapons and other stuff to continue spreading devastation around them and to continue subjecting YOU the Iranian people agreed to an offer by another pedophile luciferian sex cult on charge of Sodom to sell me to these monsters for a huge amount of money, and again as a slave they brought me here for me to become one of them, evil as them to be the face of this luciferian NWO they have in plans for humanity, but lets go back to what happened in Iran and who this Evil One decided to give me to, they gave me to the worst kind of pedophile homosexual rats you can imagine, and listen very carefully to this, the family of this pedophile women, Nahid Yaghobian, you in the intelligence services in Iran are well aware of this fact, all the women in this family are all witches, every single one of them so are their daughters more or less, but all their daughters are wicked as it comes, some are trained witches, trained by their mothers, of course, their men and I mean ALL their men in this Yaghobian family are also married to witches, every single one of them are, and their daughters are either also trained witches or just most wicked, and incest in this family is like nothing I have heard or seen before anywhere, but it doesn’t stop here, as I said all the women in this Yaghobian family are as evil as it comes, the older sister of this witch pretending to be my mother, Farideh Yaghobian dies a couple of years ago from an rare addiction and you wont guess what, please do not laugh, she couldn’t stop biting and eating on the concrete wall at her house, I know its crazy, she ate the walls and she got stomach cancer and died, but its not all, she before the unislamic takeover of Iran and after was a very very high ranking officer in the Iranian Air Force, and you want to tell me the secret services of Iran who is was under the full control of this luciferian cult back then and after the molla take over were unaware of her and her satanic activities, give me a break, she was hired (because) of her satanic knowledge and activities, again she was a very high ranking officer, so high that other high ranking officers bowed to her, I have seen it myself as a kid, back then I thought wow and also there was a lot of talk about her in the family how much power she had in the Air Force, in other words they had an evil luciferian witch as a high ranking Air Force officer in the intelligence sector of the Air Force ! it just goes to tell you all that the whole place was during the Shahs time and after that under the full control of these people, and you know what, they were all taken their orders from outside Iran, from the Vatican ! I know this, so the Evil One gave me to people he trusted, people just like himself and his son who again controlled Iran under the Shah and also after him, they gave me to the worst kind of people imaginable, but God saved me and made all this clear for me and if you have even a little bit honor in you if you are just a bit God fearing you would listen and listen very carefully to what I am telling you here, the mollas are luciferians and that’s it, do you understand what I am saying ?? their Hezbolla is in fact Hezbesheytan (the party of Satan), their agents here that I know of are all criminals and drug traders, this is how they make their money, listen carefully to what I am telling you, Sweden or what I like to call them Sodom and the shia molla of Iran are all in this together, by Allah they are, don’t think otherwise, the Evil One is in full control of this planet, you think you are fighting the Zionists the Saudis the whatever, you all have been fooled and bought their cool aid, I know you don’t want to believe that the fact that you have done the work of the Evil One all your lives but it is true and nothing but the truth, but going back to after I left Iran on my 8th birthday, very symbolic and I have told you what symbol was placed on my seat on the air plane, do you remember I have talked about it, anyways, then the shia mollas sold me to the Sodomites for a large amount of money and these monsters here thought they owned me, but it has come to my attention a few years ago that in order for this son of a bitch who rules Sodom the one who bought me, I have met him before, I will rip head of in time, I promise, he decided if I am not going to do their bidding with this luciferian NWO thing they had going he wanted his money back or he threatened to murder me, so a person from east Asia a very wealthy person decided to pay him off, I don’t know the name of that person but it was very kind of him or her I don’t know, so you in Iran if you had a bit honor in you, you should be ashamed of yourselves right now for still obeying this supreme whore you call your leader because he sold out to his master the Evil One long long time ago, they even tried to get a prostitute for me to get on tape on, very Muslim of you, haa, this is who your so called God fearing shia leaders are, and I know this Hezbesheytan and its people here in Sodom has never liked me, and I mean they never liked me from the day I got to know their kids since I was a child here myself to when we all got older, look I know things about these rats these Hezbesheytan people, the fact is because they are of the Evil One they are free to do whatever they like and no authorities here in Sodom gives them a hard time, they are free to sell drugs openly to do all kinds of things here, and I know also the drugs they sell are mixed with mercury and other poisons, and the question is why would they mix these poisons in the drugs they sell, wouldn’t it better for the addicts not to go crazy to continue being good buyers, so why are these drug dealers on purpose making sure people get sick like that, its not a good business policy but it is happening and the secret services like the police here are well aware of that and letting them sell it all openly even from their shops, it would be very easy for the cops to get inside these shops sniff out the drugs and they don’t have to sniff anything out because the drugs are right out in the open and confiscate it all close the shops and give them prison time but they are not, the reason is, they are in on it themselves, orders from high up, trust me friends I know what I am talking about, the reason I can say all this is because God is keeping me safe for me to tell you all this, I am not afraid to get murdered, they have tried and failed so many times they know I am the real deal and I am not shutting up, in fact I wont ever rest till I get the heads of these leaders so help me God, I will have my revenge from them all, God willing, but right now I am asking you my people in Iran to organize and see the enemy because he and she is sitting right next to you, they are the ones in control of our country, they are the traitors you never thought they were but reality is telling another story, listen to what I am saying and do as I say, this is very important I need you to do something for me, this evil witch Nahid Yaghobain, she just sold my house in Iran that is in her name, whatever happens do NOT allow one single penny of that money to reach her, if it does, shoot her sister Shohleh right in the face and if that doesn’t work shoot her brother Shahram then go over to the other brother Behnam, they are all as evil as their sister here, they are not less evil and wicked, they are all of the same evil kind, brothers and sisters, they act as if they are Muslims they even pray but don’t get fooled, they are most evil, I say this again, do not allow one penny of MY money to reach her, if you cannot do that then you truly are worthless and if anyone tries to object to that or hinder you then you know they are of the Evil One of this luciferian sex pedophile cult as well and you have my blessing to kill that and those persons as well, we are with Gods help going to free this world and humanity from these evil bastards and I promise you this but you need to get busy too and stand with the good guys for once in your lives, never worry about me, God is my Protector and I wont ever give up no matter what, I am going all the way, I know also there are some good guys inside the authorities here in Sodom but their numbers are just too few for us to start something right here, so the help has to come from outside and in time it will, I will clean this shit up right here as well but I need to start with Iran where people at least understands me a little bit, but we have to start somewhere and for real, I promise you this, I will punish every single one of them in Iran in this cult running the show and humiliate them for the whole world to see, justice will be served, I promise but for now you need to show some courage and make sure this evil whore here doesn’t get her pedophile filthy hands on one penny of my money, and the money still reaches her, kill her sister then her brothers and wipe the whole family out, there are not one single one of them in this family that are not luciferians, look it’s a very small family and I know all of them, show no mercy and make it look nasty as well, send a message that we are not to be messed around with or we will answer, good luck.
If they want war, I will give it to them.
