Hello friends !
So some of you are saying you don’t want an outlaw king, I know you don’t mean that, ok let me explain, I am the Restorer of Law, ok let me explain, I think I will come to need to explain this for some of you till the job is done and the Law is fully restored, till then let me explain this for you, I understand most of you have been spoon fed most of your lives and lived a sheltered lives, more or less, I mean you don’t have three four five guys following you around giving you the looks of… we are waiting for the phone call to cut you down right here… you don’t live under such circumstances, you have never experienced all institution of the land and its brainwashed cult members looking for to get you because of something some monkey has told them to, you have not lived under an incredibly corrupt law enforcement like the police we have here who has conspired from your teenage years to entrap you to pay your so called friends off to get you to do an illegal job where the cops are waiting lurking to get you after you have done the job just to get you prison time and make you look something you really are not, creating a long criminal record for you not to be able to legally travel anywhere because now you have a long criminal record behind you, you have not lived under a law enforcement where they tried to set you up time after time, yes people has talked and I am talking to YOU the law enforcements here in Sodom, the word has reached me, people has talked you criminal pedophiles, so yes my friends you have not lived under a pedophile cult in full control of the law enforcement right here, and this is top of the iceberg, the mollas and their institutions are just as bad, I don’t know how many times in the airport in Iran some fool has come to me and asked me to take this bag of his and hers because her luggage is too heavy I have space and with my much lighter luggage if I could be nice to take this bag to me to Sodom, I knew of course its full of drugs, the mollas have tried to entrap me like that too, and in the airport after I said sure I can take your bag with me and they just left it there and almost ran off, then I went to the officers telling them what happened and the answer I received was, all right never mind, that’s what they told me and didn’t even look interested, and the truth is, nobody can just walk off from an airport without getting identified and arrested if necessary in Iran or any other place I think, the mollas know I have a long criminal record here in Sodom and to frame me wouldn’t be too hard in court as you can imagine, none of you live under such circumstances where the most powerful monkey and monkeys are trying to get to you in any way shape and form with the help of the institution they have infiltrated, I am telling you Hydra is real and it has corrupted just about everything, just because most of you are unaware of this fact doesn’t mean its not real, it is more than real, it is a war going on and you naïve people think the law and your institutions will be your savior, think again, I know what is going on and I am taking it the way it should be taken on, right on with no more nonsense and I am the only one that can do it and I am NOT backing down for anyone, this Satan character is directly targeting me, not you but me, I am going up against the most evil and wicked forces on this planet right now and I am winning, so the last thing I need is for you to be unjust and say I am the bad guy when what I have achieved you could only dream of, and trust me, when this thing is over with you wont hear a word of me anymore, it is NOT what you think or what you talk among yourselves, some of you that is, the wise ones of you know what the deal is all about, and it is natural for these evil losers on all sides to hate me, because they know I wont tolerate their corruption, I am here to clean this crap for good and they see me as a threat and they are treating me as such, good fine, so will I and in the end we will see who will stand up over all their graves, I am the Restorer of Law and order, true order, so help us God and He will, God willing.
