I dont know what to say :( I am a little bit angry right now so I will before anything get to my point, my point is pointless unless something profound being done and that is I think perhaps too much to ask for because it would require major changes in the Japanese society and it wont get done but the way I see it is, these senseless attacks by grown up Japanese men directed on children in such manner is something we see too much of and I believe it has to do with too much stress on the shoulders of your men and women your people, you work yourselves to death and when you dont work you drink and gamble like crazies, who else does this but you, it is NOT normal behavior and in the end, there will always someone who take their inner anger on the most innocent, look my Japanese friends you better stop starting talk about these issues among yourselves because in what other society else but yours does grown up men target children like this, you are the only ones doing it, hiding your stress behind alcohol and under a culture where you talking about ones problems is seen as perhaps unmanly and what weak people do is something you need to start openly talk about, but all that aside, I believe the problem is both cultural and too much stress, you need more quality time, life is and has never been about working yourselves to death like you are, I think you need to start there but you wont, I know that, you are used to work like ants nowadays, before in the old days there were something like a family structure you could recharge your energy from but today even that is gone, you need to do something about that, but before anything, you need to make sure you somehow identify these people in need and have a way out for them in form of program, and these programs must be like nothing you have now, where you lend out a friend to them or any other crazy unpersonal like that, where you can hire a wife a son or a daughter like that, I know its a complex issue but you have resources so do something because this is NOT anything near normal behavior, honestly these kinds of crimes just makes me not want to believe it is actually happening, mature people targeting children, I can only hope this is the last time we hear such sad news out of Japan, I feel most sad for their parents have to hear the news of their children.... anyways 
