Listen friends !
I need to leave this hellhole as soon as possible, it is urgent, can you make sure 10-20 grand to reach me so I can get out of this mess here ? I know you can, its not that much of a money but they took my boat and now I am stranded here again with no way to get the hell out of here, dont grant them their evil wishes, make sure some money reaches me, be brave do this if you can, be brave and God will show you mercy on the Day of Judgment, I will certainly put a good word for you when you will come to need me, and besides, who do you think I am doing all this for, its not for myself, if I was selfish as most others, I would have joined these evil people and I would have had everything earthly and then some, so I am not doing this for my own benefit, ok I am, I am waiting for my award in the next life but right now I need something to get the hell out of this shit hole, I have been with these monsters long enough and I need to leave it now and you could be of help just be brave dont be a coward and try to get me some money so I can move around, what amazes me is that the whole world is watching and listening but not one single of you are brave enough to do what I am asking you of, this is mankind for you, 7 billion of you and not one of you have the balls to do even this little makes me wonder why should God show mankind any kind of mercy at all, it is a valid point, just make sure some money reaches me, use a damn drone to drop something, it doesnt have to be that hard and 20 grand is not that much of a money for Gods sake, are you kidding me, use your imagination, there are many ways to make sure this package reaches me, and dont waste time, thank you.
