McAdams says it's time to put partisan politics aside

It gives me great joy to see that for a couple of days there has not been any personal insults throwing around, if we could extend this for another week could take things to a direction where actual public service being done, I know both sides are looking for a way out of this and I think I have a way, my suggestion is, if our dear President Trump could after he has come back from his visit from Japan could agree to a meeting with the Dem leaders and talk some infrastructure and hopefully put something into paper and ink so that people see there is still hope for things to be done especially when it comes to an issue like infrastructure something both sides are willing to do without hesitation if they had the opportunity to do so then I think the atmosphere would clear up and get more favorable for both sides to do other things, everything doesnt have to be a fight, like there are things both sides can agree to get done in a bipartisan fashion that wouldnt be either a winning or a losing issue to politically but what it would be is something beneficial for the citizens waiting for something to be done like in this case infrastructure, this would be something both sides have equally to win on but the real winners are the people, I mean lets not forget why people got elected, to do these things, simple things and infrastructure is one of those things, so I think if President Trump would agree to talk infrastructure and nothing else for the moment and get that done that would definitely clear the air and give the mainstream less to talk about because the mainstream is not always helpful, not always and it goes for both sides, again the point is, it doesnt have to be either winners or losers on either side on this issue with infrastructure but the winners could be the voters people on both sides, so do it for them and you both will look like winners, its a win win, and beside, if you do this you will make me look good too then it would be a win win and then another win, great right ?? :)
