Nigel Farage on his Brexit Party's big win

Agreed, the EU project has in fact made European countries weaker not stronger its just a fact, the western European weaker and eastern European countries a bit stronger, some people dont seems to want to mention that, I wonder why, perhaps its not that popular to tell the whole truth but just a part of it, for my part I am against it for another reason as well, I see it as something evil something wicked, just take a look at their parliament building, it looks like the fallen tower of Babel, yes fallen we know what God did to that place and people, and now some arrogant people think they can have another go at it, well do so be my guests try your luck once again and see how that will go, this is why I am very disappointed at the Believers, why are you silent, you of all should be the strongest opponents of this evil project but you dont seems to care instead you have bought their lies and their arguments, you now more believe in their arguments like climate change over the Words of your Creator as if this is your new world religion it seems to be, this is most disappointing but you do as you wish, I would advise you to use your God given free will wisely !!!
