Pilots report encounters with high-flying objects

Here is the true origin story simplified for your pleasure, this planet never belonged to us, there were other intelligent beings on this planet thousands of years before we were placed here, the two first humans we call Adam and Hawa, they were the first of our kind, we were placed here on this prison planet for a (time), this place is special because what is about to played out here concerns all in the Universe, and beyond, it is this important, and of course many I dont know how many but enough of these intelligent beings who also have free will to choose what path to take, the path of good or the other one that certainly will lead to Hell the other dimension where is no escape from, these intelligent beings also know about the significance of what is about to happen here and they came here from wherever they now came from, they are very technologically more advanced than we are, naturally, and they didnt travel millions of light years to come here, they took the shortcut, these very intelligent beings are very much aware of God the Creator of all things and His power, how these intelligent beings got the note of what is about to happen on this planet I do not know but they found out and now they are here, (but) the Creator forbid all to interfere in our business here, some obeyed some didnt, and its not just about obeying, God told them that He will strike them with lightings if they tried, these lightnings striking space ships has been observed but some managed to slip through the angels guarding the planet, and why they slipped through was also allowed by the Creator because if He didnt want them 100% to get to us, He could do that very easily, effortless, its like magic, God has said, He is allowing some people to get affected by the always dark arts of magic which is also forbidden, there is NO white or black magic, its like there is no such thing as white or black electricity, there is only electricity, why God allows some to get affected by the always dark arts of magic only He knows and He knows best, always, back to the aliens, they are in now mass numbers around our planet all watching us and waiting for the Big Happening, the final battle between Good and Evil, and this battle is to be played out right here on this planet of all planets in the Universe so the focus of the whole Universe and everything else is right now on this living rock we are at, the Earth, these aliens the bad ones they came with technology and gave it to certain people, things like traveling between two dimensions and between distance places in this Universe, the same technology the aliens used to come here to begin with, this and some other technologies is what many are after and they have got their hands on some of it, little things like anti gravity technology, no big deal but for some its like they have been given the whole world, but with how little they get satisfied with and with so little they feel superior over others, something you need to know is that the UFOs you see are NOT the good ones, they are the bad ones, they are not allowed to get this close but they disobeyed, when they die and they will because this battle that is about to occur here is going on not just here but all around the Universe, its a big deal with what is about to happen a huge deal, the good guys will win it of course and soon after that the whole Universe will cease to exist, that would be the end of (everything), then some of you will definitely know how powerful your Creator really is when you wake up at the other place with no ability to even open your mouths to say a single word, not a single word will come out of your mouths, most of you will end up in Hell for all eternity, all of us will go through Hell and I dont even want to think about that right now yet I do  and when every penny is paid back then we are allowed out and none of you will ever forget where you came out of and you will fall on your knees praying to your Maker thanking Him for taking you out of that hell hole and you will be most thankful for all eternity, and for some of you Christians who say the Christ dies for your sins I say this, on the Day of Judgment he will reject most of you who casted out devils in his name, fed and took care of the homeless in his name, fed the orphants in his name, the Christ is talking to the best of you Christians (the best of you) not you sunday Christians but the best of you that you never were of him and he will reject you, and do you know why ? because you elevated the Creator to the level of His subject one is the Christ, it is like you as a intelligent human being create another lesser living being and then I lift up your creations to the level of its creator, you would be most insulted if you had any brains, and because you have lowered the Creator to the level of His creation the Christ will reject you for offending his Father the Creator, but you dont believe me but again the Christ is telling the best of his followers that you never were of him even if you did all those nice things, and for the rest of you, oh my God, you are hopeless, but there is still hope for you to open your eyes to reality and you should thank your God He has still granted you a little bit more time for change for you to get how things are structured, its up to you, I am just telling you how things will play out and you better believe it or dont its your life, now you know the deal with the aliens the true origin story.
So you see, the Christ didnt die for your sins, he is telling  the best of you, not the best of you because the best of you would never claim the Christ is the Creator but seemingly the best of you that, he never dies for your sins, even seemingly the best of you, you can go and make yourselves believe he dies to pay for your sins, but he is telling you, he didnt.
