Rashida Tlaib On Impeaching President Donald Trump: It’s Our Duty | Hard...

I cant believe she is saying she doesnt care about statistics and numbers, everything is statistics and numbers, these freshmen electee were promising at one time but now they are about to bring the whole Dem party down in the drain with them with their inexperience roockieness, if she got elected in over the issue of getting Mr Trump impeached which she wasnt exclusively we have to be honest, it wasnt the main reason she got elected, people are naturally upset over the handling of some issues President Trump has dealt with and his personal conduct but again it is just a portion of why she and some other Dems got elected over but now congresswoman Talib has made herself believe that was the primary reason why, fine, I am telling it is a huge political mistake, and numbers counts lady always does !! and right now all the numbers are speaking against you, you are not a king or a queen, people didnt vote for you didnt get you elected to get your personal vendetta on other electee you dont like, its not why you are there, you are there to get jobs done and you are doing a hell of a bad job right now, do as you please its not my party I mean who can get anything done with such disorder, I should get my own party going with Speaker and a true Leader Fancy Pelosi, who is coming with us, the second coming is getting out of hand man, unbelievable.
