The Exodus Decoded (Biblical Conspiracy Documentary) | Timeline

James Cameron got it right, this is how God the Creator work out things, after you have watched this documentary some of you might say, all this happened directly out of coincidences and God or no one else had anything to do with it so its nothing special with these happenings, but we on this side say, you are all wrong, the Creator is this powerful you just do not want to acknowledge, all these earthquakes, all these natural disasters and happenings was planed even before the Universe was created through Big Bang, the Creator said He created everything from a very small point which is the Big Bang, and all these happenings was planned long before He even initiated the Big Bang, because He exist outside His creations and Time is included, yes He is this powerful, He has never ever been worried about anything, and this Satan fool of a character is NOT or ever could be His adversary in fact this Fool has greatest respect towards the Creator, he is a fool but not that big of a fool like many of those who has bought his vanity promises, but they like the Pharaoh will find out just when it is too late who they have underestimated, James Cameron got it right so you watch and learn !   
