Trump on Iran: 'If they'd like to talk, we'd like to talk'

What do you mean we are ready to talk to the mollas ?????? we are NOT ready to talk with any of them, I feel like I am being betrayed again,wth is going on ????? there is no way I am willing to talk to them or any of them or any close to them or any damn supporters of them, no way, look President Trump, everything is NOT legacy, 90% of the Iranian people despise these molla rats and now you say you are ready to talk to them????? the Iranian people will remember such betrayals, I dont get it, I thought you was smarter than this, the Mollas are goners, such is the case for a backward regime where over 90% of their population like to see them hanged and now you say you can talk to them if they do, it even sound bad statistically, I wouldnt do that, they are rats and more importantly they are goners and everyone knows it, they are goners, hell with them all, look this is how its going to play out and dont take this in a wrong way, America couldnt overthrow that evil regime with a one million man army, I on the other hand could do it with a 50 000 man strong army, truly I could and I will, 50k is what it take to finally get rid of that cancer for good and thats it, so save your money your resources the well being of your men and women and let me on my own take care of them insects, and forget what Abe is saying, what does he knows, it looks like he has sided with Evil as well, well its noticed now, good, thats what politicians are good for, betrayal of everything that is good, because they are corrupt or easily get corrupt, I say this again, I dont give a damn about Sweden and whatever the hell they think they have in plans for me, I say this again, if they would give me the keys to this hellhole I would throw it right back at them and tell them to go to Hell sooner, I do or never will cooperate with a bunch of evil pedophiles, on the other hand Iran is MINE and mine alone, the whole place belong to me and I will decide what will happen there and no one else, its MINE !!! and I want those molla traitors to be eradicated in fact when I am finished with them, there wouldnt be any trace left of them monkeys, none whatsoever, and this is the will of the Iranian people and mine as well, and another thing, the mollas will now start talking and threatening and over all talk out of their butt holes when it comes to things and so will their military men, dont give them any attention, thats what they want, and also they or some of them are looking for a way out of this, dont grant them any of that, in fact we must sanction them for each word they spew that we dont like, and also sanction anyone working with them and I mean anyone, it wont matter who in the hell it is, sanctions are coming, anyone collaborating with the molla regime is directly hurting the Iranian people, because no matter how you see it, doing business with those rats will first before any one mainly and mostly benefit the molla regime and then the scraps if they are lucky will go the common people, for this reason, the heaviest sanctions MUST be applied to them and shame on EU for doing business with the mollas, it just goes to show how corrupt EU is too, and this is why I am now supporting all anti EU movements, I wish them all the success and all the best wishes I can give anyone as long as they do their best to bring this evil institution that is EU so help them God, Amen.

Again just stand back and look how one brings down an evil regime like the molla regime, it will be worthy all TV reality shows ever broadcasted, watch and enjoy the show :)
