Ancient Aliens: The Origin of the Moon (Season 11) | History

What you are seeing here is the true story of how the Moon came to be and all the facts you hear here are NO coincidences, it was (planned) this way, by the Creator, to be this way and this way for a reason, this is why we say, He is the Greatest, I have told you people, even this Satan character has enormous respect for Him, Satan never dares talk down to Him, because he knows what will happen to him in an instance, it is just his minions who are foolish and disrespectful and behave like little monkeys like sub animals but satan himself knows better than be disrespectful, he is crazy but not that crazy, the problem with him is jealousy thats it look friends in time you will all see with your own eyes that not only are we not alone but there is a Creator and you will all see just a fraction of His powers, not even speaking of how He expands the Universe from a single point to what it is today but the fact that He planned to send this body that collided with Earth at the right angle to later become the moon we see and at the right distance from the Sun to Earth to cast its shadow as signs before He expanded everything from a tiny little point is just a small portion of what he is capable of doing, and you want to talk science ??  let the scientists that disbelief in Him explain what they will in time see with their own eyes.
