AOC: Border Facilities Like Concentration Camps | The View

AOC yeah you know me ;) its from a rap lyric, anyways, she said nothing wrong, my jewish friends do NOT own the phrase concentration camp, what some of the Jews dont seems or have the capacity to understand is, when they dumb around like this, THIS is what created anti Jewishism, and its the same with some of my African friends, when I was captured in an illegal act of piracy by the UK government and was put in one of their refugee concentration camps, I had a discussion with an African refugee, he seemed to be learned he was in my age and was aware of thing or two, I liked to talk politics and philosophy with him and I liked most of his views I really miss him, in any case, in our first discussion I brought up the topic of slavery and how people even this day of age are being enslaved and the guy took an offence when I brought up the word slavery because he thought he as a black guy owned this word, but then I convinced him that what being enslaved means and that he and his people are better of today than other races in this world and I also explained to him there are different kinds of slavery, making a long story short some Jews just to score some political short term points that in my view backfire because they dont think before they say something like in this case will only make the situation worse for the people he or she thinks he is looking after for, the Jews do NOT own these words and they better think twice before they make such stupid comments, AOC said nothing wrong and she is right and also, no one seems to go after some of her critics some of the far right wingers and their politicians when they say far worse just dumb things but you are quick to go after her when she is making a valid point, look I am for very strong border control, I dont want one single person entering illegally and I would be very strict to deport people that are in a country illegally, in the same time, I do feel for these poor people in these camps treated like very bad, absolutely, I am not for treating people that are desperate in an inhumane manner and these people are treated very bad, but I also understand the situation with keeping these large amount of people both costs a lot and they put themselves in this situation themselves, I am not saying they are in need of first class accommodations I am saying educating those who care for them is of crucial importance, like we dont separate mothers from their children things like this, look there are many things that could be improved and AOC is pointing to these things and for anyone especially the Jewish people who themselves has been persecuted to think they have copyright the phrase concentration camps when these people are caged up like they used to be is just as I said very counterproductive. 
