China: Inside Xinjiang’s state-run Muslim camps - BBC News

Where are these luciferian mollas of Iran or any other Muslim leaders raising their voices about what the Communist Party of China is doing with millions of totally innocent Muslims of China, where are the voices of the Palestinians ?? not much to be expected from a people who has sold out the other half of itself, no wonder you now yourselves are suffering like that, I guess you also can be bought off so you can keep your mouths shut for a but of pocket money, hell with you all, and hell with Irans supreme piece of FILTH and all their officials, and hell with all your Arab leaders as well, may you all go and stay in Hell forever may God never give you a moment of rest there, look I dont care about any of you, the true Believers of all religious denominations from all around the world all true faithfuls and people of no faith still believers in justice, we are going to take on this fight and we will with Gods help going to defeat every single of these useless freebreathers if this is the last thing at least I will do.

Hell with the Communist Party of China and that monkey Xi.
