China's state media spreads false information about Hong Kong protests

People in the Middle East should learn from these civilized Hongkongers how to conduct very effective demonstrations, it is effective because you do NOT play into the hands of the corrupt devils in the System who would rather see nothing but riots violence to send in their dogs at to suppress, people in the ME are such useless fools and they always ends up paying for their own backwardness, time after time and they have no sense of unity no sense of organizing around some basic ideas and they also always ends up choosing leaders with the worst track record with most divisive ideas and past, its like there are many  varieties of outspoken leaders and after a death match between them the victor now more wild and arrogant after his victory takes over the whole movement and after a while just crash everything and the whole movement with him, Morsi of Egypt was one of these, may he rest in peace God willing but he is one example of how dreams can get crushed, because he only seeks to satisfy one group over the others, this is the life story of all these Middle Eastern leaders and thats why they never have got anywhere, then we have the people on the ground the demonstrators who cannot stop burning down things cannot stop walk hundred meters without yelling and shouting and act like crazy people, and they wonder why they never ever have got anywhere, they should learn from the Hongkongers here, trully, in any case, I am very proud of the Hongkongers and how they have been conducting themselves, and look they have already won, good for them, good for them I say, if anyone deserve this it is them, but the fight is not over till it is over, Evil does not just operate in Hong Kong it is a global phenomenon that has to be dealt with, thoroughly, it has to be rooted out and humiliated and it all will be televised so stay tuned, it will be the greatest reality of in the Universe, the eyes of everything is on here right now, and we must put up with a show the show of all shows for all to see, everywhere, so help us God, Amen.
