Donald Trump On Iran Shooting Down U.S. Drone: 'Hard To Believe It Was I...

Dear President Super Trump ! Besides how are things and things are just perfect over here and stuff, about what happened with the drone, I suggest not to stumble into an armed conflict over nothing because the consequences would be terrible global economic meltdown medley speaking and that would be terrible so nobody wants that, I say if the drone actually was shut down over molla territory then just let it be and if not if it actually was shut down outside then its something else, and also its worth remembering in case the drone was shut down outside molla land it couldnt be far from, I mean what if the Soviets or the Cubans or the mollas flew a few miles outside the 12 mile of US borders, what would the US military would have done, the same thing, regardless, I say if the drone actually was shut down just outside molla territory dont attack the bastards, what I would have done is to sink one of their ships out in the middle of nowhere somewhere you know what I mean ;) something in those lines and if they then want to take it to the next level then fine, lets bomb the crap of everything IRGC, I would be there to help on the ground myself, ok I wouldnt but still, just make sure to save something for me because I need to finish the job, I cant let these rats roam free for too long without paying for their crimes, its a personal thing you know, a brother has to do what a brother has to do right ?? thats what I am saying, baby :)
