Donald Trump threatens Iran with obliteration

These mollas are endanger the whole Iranian people, this little group controlling Iran, its a criminal one, they think they own Iran AND its people as subjects, this group is an ill wisher towards its subjects, and most important of all, its an anti religious one too, only if people Iranians and others how criminal this group is you would never had supported them to begin with, I completely agree with these personal sanctions against certain people, specially Zarif, that one I liked more than anything :) look guys I could never after what I know about them in any shape or form support their existence or having anything positive to say about them, its impossible, one day I have to stand in from of God and answer a few question, in simple terms, I see the mollas such hypocrites its ungodly basicly, look if I can say it like this, I would put Iran under the mollas on top of the list of the hypocritical regime in the world, I have told you, they even tried to hook me up with a prostitute in Iran, they have no shame, here sure they use it but they are not hypocritical about it either about it, and perhaps you knew, the mollas run keep things together with the argument of modesty morality they even have morality police, but at times they even use women in this manner to get to an objective, and then when you know there are top luciferian people in system at such high places then I am sorry to say, I am out, I am not supporting these lying hypocrites anymore, and upon all that, all 110% of their policies suck to agree that I am starting to think,, perhaps this is intentional, I am starting to think, the mollas actually wants a conflict, and it wouldnt surprise me, all these end of times are working and escalate events to get to armageddon and they are telling you, and its money to be made, all these military people in tv dress like hobos but are billionaires and millionaires and also thieves, and now they are looking for to start WW3, and the Iranian people will not rise up and take back the control from their hands, how about self rule for once?? dont support the mollas.
