Erin Burnett: This is why US allies don't trust Mike Pompeo

Look all I am saying is, do NOT let the Saudis the Emirates and others buy some of you to get you into another war for their benefit, just dont do it, they are seeking to use your treasure your blood to seek their own absolute evil objectives, its about damn time you woke up to the FACT. !!! a war with the mollas will collapse the world economy and calculate what that means, it means the end of the good life of all, do you understand what this means, it means you wont even be able to do your everyday daily simple privileges, this is what the collapse of the world economy means, and for what, for the Saudis for the UAE and other ugly lizards who has bought some of your officials, if the well being of the whole planet worth these maniacs, why dont you sleep on that before you give the answer to your children, I have presented the best option on this, it has to be surgical, these evil regimes has to be taken out, but NOT like this, and it can be done without collapsing the world economy on the process just have put your mind on ice for a while, its going to be alright. 
