Exiled Iranian Prince: Trump Understands What Iranians Want

I dont understand what this fool is thinking, does he really think he has any chance to enter Iran and not get lynched by the Iranians for all the crimes his father and family has been behind, and the list of crimes committed by the Pahlavi regime is miles long, there are two groups that has less than zero chance to even get near Irans borders, the first is the MEK then this fool and what he stands for, second of all, Iranians dont want an ugly prince when yours truly is right here making more trouble for the mollas than any of these idiots ever could, and did I say before that I know high ranking MEK cult members traveling to Iran on regular basis, look here is the true story of Iran before the Unislamic take over by the mollas, before 1979 there was a couple of cults that were all united and friends with each other because they had a same master, let it be unsaid who that is for now, but then the cult of mollas betrayed the other cults and took over the whole country for themselves and this pissed of the rest, and then in order to keep the country united this molla luciferian cult needed something like a war with Saddam another luciferian bastard who gave the mollas exactly what they needed, did you guys know that even during 1986 six years into the war Israelis were pushing the mollas to by medium range missiles that could be tipped with nuclear warheads, and not to talk about all the SAM missiles and TOW missiles you name it all the American weapons Iran needed were supplied by the Israelis these shia mollas supposedly hate so much, it all a big game folks, they are all end of times these lunatics, their core mission is to start this Armageddon thing, the mollas are pure luciferians, so are the Saudis the Emiratis the Zionists in Israel, think of it, on one side the mollas are shouting death to Israel on the other hand they buy weapons from them and they are so buddy buddy that the Israelis pushed them to buy American made medium range missiles, they even allowed the mollas to test fire a couple of them in Iran while Iran was in war in Saddam, I am telling my Iranian and Jewish friends, you all have been duped into buying their propaganda, one day all this will come out officially and you will find out I was telling you the truth, Satans greatest trick was to make sure you stay unaware of his existence and by that also unaware of his deepest conspiracies pulled behind the scene, and its obvious, 99% of you even you intellectuals only speak of what the mainstream arguments for or against, none of you dare even go to the deepest truth because you dont want to be labeled but what you dont know is you are doing your viewers a terrible disservice, yes Satan do exist and the rabbit hole goes deeper than your eyes can see, its dark and you do not want to or dare take a look at what can be find there.
