Face to Face with the Ayatollah

This luciferian end of days death cult with this evil monster as their leader is the one who sold me to these pedophiles in Sodom, may he stay in hell and may all his closest worshipers this 13 Imam also visit him in the deepest pits in Hell, Amen, at least I know what I will do with Irans supreme devil worshiper Khameneji when I get my hands on him, but for now enjoy the sanctions, the sooner the Iranian people repent and rise up against these devils the sooner they will enjoy what the world has to offer and not a second before that, you Iranians wanted this unislamic revolution, now deal with your choice, but I know you are regretting it and I know you dont see a way out of it for now, you wont be able to rise up and overthrow these satanists, perhaps help from outside will come one day, but for now you need to organize as much as you can, you need to at least protest out in the streets, or others will get the impression that you like your current situation, its up to you.
