Fareed: China's rise has been a miracle

Thats why Farid you would have been a great politician, you bring up all the obvious shortcoming of the Communist Party of China then you dont go all the way to stand by some core values like you know peoples basic human rights like be religious, the cult of China s Communist Party had prohibited has banned and imprison millions over being born outside where the Communist Party this cult has little buyers, its 1984, but you seems to not offer a real solution but instead call the Communist Party that rules China not an adversary but an competitor, dont downplay such horrific crimes, look there are cultural differences here Farid, nobody can deny it, there are two different cultures, the western and China is east as you can get, two cultures and both are proud of theirs and rightfully so, but in this day of age come to the west and stay lets have a mega cult totally communist and give all the power to them, you know its ridiculous, would be laughable but there some do not mind living under a rule where being alive is restricted by overlords who think they know how to run things in society, and they are all corrupt as hell, the Chinese system, its on another level, so my point is do not downplay everything, tell the truth, and the truth is, if it was up to China at best they would have made another Tibet or something out of you, this cult is ruthless a bunch of crazy people all like ants waiting to get something from the system they are a part of and feel good about themselves, and these guys are the second wealthiest country in the world, are you kidding me, look they are not Saudis, when China goes to a country they come with a smile and some money, when the Saudis go somewhere they only bring their fat asses with them and some money in it, so naturally China is even more dangerous than Saudi, see what I mean, the saudis are fucked up.
