Hong Kong protest: How will Beijing respond? | DW News

The Hongkongers must realize how reality will be if may God forbid the Communist Party of MaoLand get their will through, your way of lives will never be what it is today, Tyranny has its aims at you but has not pulled the trigger yet, they are waiting you out till the right time we must NOT grant them, and yes we will challenge them and not only them any damn tyrants out there, anywhere, so help us God, the Hongkongers can always rely on me, you have my word on it I am not going anywhere :) I will be around till the day we all stand over their graves if we have to, the truth is they have never faced anything like us before, these losers and losers they are are not the scariest monsters out there, they are child play if you ask me, look friends, we have to get our international global resistance movement up and running sooner, these monkeys have already most of the powers united in their evil against us but not even that will be enough to defeat us and there are two main reasons why, first of all we have God the Creator on our side, then our will power is much stronger than theirs, our will to change things for better is stronger than their will to do harm to enslave people, we wont let them have it so you friends in Hong Kong what you must do from now on is to on regular basis remind your freedom loving citizens to stage demonstrations on monthly basis or even on weekly basis to show unity against the evil plans the Communist Party has in plans for you till the day Hong Kong falls into their jurisdiction, you need to remind THEM till that day that you are in fact united and that you wont tolerate any of it, if you stay silent they will win and you simply cannot have that, you will regret it, you still have a great opportunity to resist and I and others will do what we can to be at hand when you need it, we want nothing in return but to see evil defeated and humiliated, they want to defeat you and humiliate you and we have been told by God to return the favor in kind, we have this right, we have to resist and we will and they are NOT going to get their evil plans through, we have to show them who has the strongest will power, and I know evil, its a huge scared pussy, and its going to get crushed if they tried something.
