Iranian-Canadians at Toronto Quds Day Rally: Canada Is a Racist Colonial...

If these naive ignorant cult followers knew anything about their own Holy Book the Holy Quran they would know God has commanded them in fact all to be loyal to the country they live in, and if it not up to their standards then they need to move out, look I knew what is going in their minds, they are actually good hearted people but brainwashed, like yesterday I spoke of the cult members of YW, half of them are naive submissive to the other wolf like half, the sheep like are not bad people on the contrary they are good people but fallen for the deceptive words of their slave masters, our job should be to free their minds to see reality for what it is, they are small minded thinking everything revolves around the Ultra Zionists and what is going on in the Holy Land, they think so because these Middle Easterns still have this tribal mindset they just cant let go of, they have a hard time seeing the bigger picture and this is why they always has suffered because they have a hard time integrating with the rest of mankind they are a part of, and let me be super frank about the Palestinian people, I dont actually feel too sorry for them, I know them very well, the reason they find themselves in this mess to begin with is because they are or for the most part traitors like no other people in the world, a Palestinian can betray another for 50 bucks to the Zionists, this is how they gave away their land, the Israelis bought them to where they are right now and this is a fact, so I see God punishing them by sending people that has no connection to the Holy Land to occupy them and letting them suffer like this, I know many of you hate me for saying this but it wont matter, it is the truth and the truth shall be spoken, they either learn to change their ways or they will continue suffering, I mean tell me a more corrupt people than people in the ME, trully, corruption is part of your DNA, this is why you never could establish a fair society but having a bunch of dictators beating you down time after time again, because you could never respect yourselves and demand better, so God has given you what you really deserve, the way I see it they still have a long long way to go before things can get better for them, along long way to go, you could speed things up by joining in demonstrations, look you think you did in Egypt and the best you could come up with was Morsi, that was the best you could come up with, and Iranians with the mollas, what a disgrace what a waste of 40 years, 40 years people 40 years and this is what you have to show for ?? this though gives me no comfort nothing at all.
