Pentagon releases images supporting claim Iran behind tanker attacks

This is the first time I commented on this subject so you better believe this is most serious, from my part, to start with as you all know I have no love for the mollas, in fact I want them all hanged and fed to the crocodiles, I also have suggested for the US not to get involved in a war with the mollas for the simple reason of, well there are many reasons, one is a personal matter, another is, I believe I can do it myself with a couple of thousand real true warriors, true warriors that does this nothing for personal gain but for a greater cause like justice, I believe when I will do it it will benefit the world economy as well because then you dont have a total devastation of the oil flow, another reason is, I believe the US even with one million man army can actually do it, like something else that I better have unsaid right now the truth is, it is much easier for me that are one of them to do this than any foreign power, one of themselves has to do this to have enough credibility to pull this thing off among the Iranian people, the US and specially Bombeo and his hooligan gang they have no credibility, another reason is when you cant defeat them even with a million man army then you better let someone else do it and you can save your strength and resources for something else, to do good with elsewhere, what I am saying is, if the US doesnt do this, I will do it myself one way or the other, it is going to happen, I am NOT forgiving those who has betrayed me, I will come for them, so the mollas are dead meat in any case, no matter how you see it they are gone, this is my position on the mollas, having said that, I dont believe the mollas were behind these taner attacks, it was definitely a false flag and it was executed amature like, the guys on that boat they all looked like white men, they are NOT dark skinned southern Iranians, those on the picture are white men, and the mines were NOT placed to sink those ships, this is a false flag and also, when I saw those guys wearing life vests I was sure they were not real Iranians, because we dont wear life vests lol its just something we dont do, its embarrassing wearing life vests, who does that, its crazy makes no sense because if you are going total jihad you have to look good man, so they just couldnt be real Iranians, and also, the boat is not something the molla IRGC has, they have something similar a Swedish Boghammar and thats not it, it looks like one but its not, and another thing, it makes no sense to go back to take down a mine that didnt explode, you never risk going back to do that, if you are planning such thing you make sure you use an explosive device that cannot be traced just in case, so you dont have to go back like amatures and take it down, look instead of monkeying around like that, lets sanction the mollas to its full potential, lets hurt their pockets, then let me take care of them, I am sitting here no action to speak of, I really need an evil regime to take down rather invade, anything man, I am bored like cat sitting behind a window watching the kids play outside :( poor me :(
