Police detain hundreds in Moscow in protests over Russian journalist

0:30 do you snatch an elderly women like that for saything what she said, and what did she say, we read what she said, she said absolutely nothing wrong to be arrested like that, look, I understand that Russians as a people are a bit paranoid and afraid of foreigners thinking they are after invading you and stealing yours but this paranoia has forced you to accept your own corrupt people to do perhaps even worse to you, look how your overlords are treating your because you are to afraid to paranoid to join the rest of the freedom seeking World Citizens, I know these words of freedom and world unity and lets stand up against any tyrants anything to do with corruption is not something that gets a grip of your imagination right now but remember these corrupt officials many times pure criminals and sinners you live under right now have not only larger teeths but poisonous as well, poisons that will dry you clean of courage to speak out and when you do like this lady you get snatched shamefully like this, it shouldnt be like this, it should be better than this, this is just one level under total misery and we have people here and other places who are giving cover to this corrupt system of yours, because they think they are stopping a war that way, you as Russians are being fed mercilessly to your own wolves ove this nonsensical idea some have over here, you cannot see them as your friends for time after time covering up the systematic crimes of the corrupt system you yes you too live under, when you will realize this only God knows, but you should know this, you will always have a voice of a true friend over here, I am on your side, snatching up a old woman like that for just saying not even provocative words, she didnt say anything wrong there and they arrested her like that.
